]> Achievement Stats » Statistics

Currently tracking

Database size

Background processes

886 running crawlers
Process Last run Duration Execution
Rankings 07/09/2024 12:42:39 02:46:36 No
Points 02/11/2024 23:14:31 24:20:15 No
Statistics 07/27/2024 02:01:44 00:56:30 No

Update queue

Containing 1758 entries
Entry Added Status Retries
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:22 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:22 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:22 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:22 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:23 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:23 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:23 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:23 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:24 being indexed 0
aw11 Achievements of aw11 07/27/2024 02:02:24 being indexed 0

Crawler error messages

Time Error message
07/27/2024 02:05:20 Steam reported errors for achievements of HitmanSniperChallenge:
Requested app has no stats
07/27/2024 02:02:55 Steam reported invalid visibilityState for game 282070 of profile 76561197963858272.
07/27/2024 02:01:37 Steam reported invalid visibilityState for game 381210 of profile 76561198145183960.
07/27/2024 01:55:31 Steam returned zero achievements for game WarlockMasteroftheArcane.
07/27/2024 01:27:22 Steam reported errors for achievements of TheJourneyDownChapterOne:
Requested app has no stats
07/27/2024 01:10:20 Steam reported errors for achievements of StrongholdKingdoms:
Requested app has no stats
07/27/2024 00:58:51 Steam returned zero achievements for game RPGMakerVXAce.
07/26/2024 21:55:22 Steam reported errors for achievements of WorldWarIIPanzerClaws:
Requested app has no stats
07/26/2024 21:55:19 Steam reported errors for achievements of 450390:
Requested app has no stats
07/26/2024 21:55:17 Steam returned zero achievements for game SkullgirlsBeta.

Next automatic updates

Entry Time
Jet Blue Profile of Jet Blue Now
BlazingBeingive Profile of BlazingBeingive 07/10/2024 08:57:19
Efun Profile of Efun 07/10/2024 08:57:20
πecu Profile of πecu 07/10/2024 08:57:24
Vhites ♕ Profile of Vhites ♕ 07/10/2024 08:57:26
LordTypical Profile of LordTypical 07/10/2024 08:57:27
❄️Hentai Profile of ❄️Hentai 07/10/2024 08:57:27
ScarE Profile of ScarE 07/10/2024 08:57:28
Playful Kaitie Profile of Playful Kaitie 07/10/2024 08:57:29
BreezeLeader Profile of BreezeLeader 07/10/2024 08:57:29

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 4 queries
898.54 KiB memory usage
20 crawler available

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