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Unlocking history of Lautarosolol for Cities: Skylines - Green Cities RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
Organistic Organistic 1.31 09/29/2022 19:25:38
Have all commercial zone in your city be specialized Organic and Local Produce
Super Self-Sufficient Super Self-Sufficient 1.30 09/29/2022 19:25:38
Have all residential zone in your city be specialized Self-Sufficient Housing
I to the T I to the T 1.22 09/25/2022 18:28:36
Have all office zone in your city be specialized IT-Cluster
Friendly Teaching Friendly Teaching 1.03 09/25/2022 18:28:36
Build one of each eco-friendly schools: Community School, Institute of Creative Arts and Modern Technology Institute
Greenest City Greenest City 0.62 09/25/2022 18:28:36
Have no polluting industry in your city, only Office Zone and specialized zones
Green Energy Green Energy 0.06 12/28/2021 19:18:17
Produce all electricity without using raw materials

Locked achievements

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Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 3 queries
914.60 KiB memory usage
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