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Unlocking history of Lautarosolol for Crusader Kings II RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points
The Marriage Game The Marriage Game 0.98
Marry another character
A Pope of My Own A Pope of My Own 1.63
Set up an antipope
All Three Popes All Three Popes 1.77
Play a game where there are two simultaneous antipopes
Exalted Among Men Exalted Among Men 1.42
Fulfill the Become Exalted ambition
Until Death Do Us Part Until Death Do Us Part 1.28
Have your spouse assassinated
Always Bet On Duke Always Bet On Duke 1.29
Work your way up from Count to Duke with a single character
Full House Full House 1.15
Sire five children
Crusader Crusader 1.36
Fulfill the goal of a Crusade
Paragon of Virtue Paragon of Virtue 1.45
Fulfill the Paragon of Virtue ambition
United the Kingdoms United the Kingdoms 1.75
Hold the kingdoms of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland
On English Neck a Norman Yoke On English Neck a Norman Yoke 1.68
Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark as William the Bastard, become the King of England
It's Good to be the King It's Good to be the King 1.40
Work your way up from Count to King with a single character
It's Better to be the Emperor It's Better to be the Emperor 1.64
Work your way up from Count to Emperor with a single character
Survivor Survivor 2.04
Play a game all the way through from 1066 to 1453
Hard Ruler Hard Ruler 1.89
Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark as Harald of Norway, become the King of England
Crusader King Crusader King 1.89
Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark, hold the Kingdom of Jerusalem
Prester John Prester John 2.03
As a Catholic, have a border with Miaphysite Abyssinia
Russkaya Pravda Russkaya Pravda 1.96
As a character with the Russian Culture, hold the Empire of Russia
The Outside Bet The Outside Bet 2.12
Starting in the "High Middle Ages" bookmark as Svend II of Denmark, become the King of England
Protector of the Holy Places Protector of the Holy Places 1.91
Have Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina within your Realm
Pentarch Pentarch 1.93
As an Orthodox Christian, hold Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem
Merchant Prince Merchant Prince 1.68
Amass more than 20,000 in wealth
Saint Saint 1.69
Amass more than 10,000 in piety
Celebrity Celebrity 1.56
Amass more than 15,000 in prestige
Divine Blood Divine Blood 1.66
Achieve a score of 100,000
Dragon Blood Dragon Blood 1.51
Achieve a score of 50,000
Royal Blood Royal Blood 1.30
Achieve a score of 10,000
Keeping it in the Family Keeping it in the Family 1.62
Sire a child that has the Inbred trait
Turbulent Priest Turbulent Priest 1.43
Assassinate a vassal bishop that likes the Pope better than you
Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress 2.07
Have seven courtiers with the Dwarf trait
Empressive Empressive 2.15
Play as three consecutive generations of empresses
Black Widow Black Widow 2.01
As a woman, have three different husbands killed

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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943.17 KiB memory usage
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