]> Achievement Stats » Profiles » Lautarosolol » Unlocking history » Cities: Skylines - Plazas & Promenades

Unlocking history of Lautarosolol for Cities: Skylines - Plazas & Promenades RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
Garbage Collection Issues Garbage Collection Issues 0.27 09/25/2022 12:40:43
Have 5 garbage service points reach their capacity limit.
The Sweetest City The Sweetest City 0.19 09/25/2022 12:40:43
Build 10 ice cream stand plazas in one pedestrian area.

Locked achievements

Game Achievement Points
Very Focused Very Focused 0.18
Have one pedestrian area focused on residential, one in commercial, and one in workplace zones.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 3 queries
912.65 KiB memory usage
20 crawler available

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