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Unlocking history of Daevian for Castlevania Advance Collection RSS feed

86.5 hours playing time on record

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
A Belmont's Destiny A Belmont's Destiny 1.20 10/04/2021 11:47:02
Beat the game as Julius -- Aria of Sorrow
Omnipotent Dark King Omnipotent Dark King 1.13 10/04/2021 10:54:15
Collect all the souls -- Aria of Sorrow
Victory Over Yourself Victory Over Yourself 0.87 10/04/2021 05:37:55
Defeat Chaos -- Aria of Sorrow
A Friend's Promise A Friend's Promise 0.86 10/04/2021 05:37:55
Defeat Julius -- Aria of Sorrow
Battle for the Throne Battle for the Throne 0.83 10/03/2021 20:26:20
Defeat Graham -- Aria of Sorrow
Corpses of the World, Unite ! Corpses of the World, Unite ! 0.79 10/02/2021 23:55:57
Defeat Legion -- Aria of Sorrow
Bat Avenger Bat Avenger 0.79 10/02/2021 22:15:31
Defeat Balore -- Aria of Sorrow
Postponing the Inevitable Postponing the Inevitable 0.75 10/02/2021 20:14:32
Defeat Death -- Aria of Sorrow
Added to the Collection Added to the Collection 0.71 10/02/2021 09:06:21
Defeat the Headhunter -- Aria of Sorrow
Breaking the Stone Ceiling Breaking the Stone Ceiling 0.71 10/02/2021 03:37:40
Defeat the Big Golem -- Aria of Sorrow
Iron Fist in an Iron Glove Iron Fist in an Iron Glove 0.68 10/02/2021 02:45:10
Defeat the Great Armor -- Aria of Sorrow
A Deadly Chimera A Deadly Chimera 0.65 10/02/2021 01:41:13
Defeat the Manticore -- Aria of Sorrow
The Grudge of a Dead Soldier The Grudge of a Dead Soldier 0.57 10/02/2021 01:16:15
Defeat the Creaking Skull -- Aria of Sorrow
Holding all the Cards Holding all the Cards 1.27 10/02/2021 00:40:15
Watch the ending in Magician Mode -- Circle of the Moon
It's Time to DSS It's Time to DSS 1.12 09/30/2021 05:16:51
Nathan collects all the cards -- Circle of the Moon
The Full Moon of Demise The Full Moon of Demise 0.88 09/30/2021 00:12:00
Watch the ending -- Circle of the Moon
A Long-Awaited Victory A Long-Awaited Victory 0.85 09/29/2021 18:44:19
Defeat Hugh Baldwin -- Circle of the Moon
A Beautiful Vampiress A Beautiful Vampiress 0.82 09/29/2021 03:21:10
Defeat Carmilla -- Circle of the Moon
A Scythe of Life A Scythe of Life 0.81 09/29/2021 01:23:25
Defeat Death -- Circle of the Moon
Not One but Two Not One but Two 0.77 09/29/2021 01:23:25
Defeat the Dragon Zombies -- Circle of the Moon
Demon in the Chapel Tower Demon in the Chapel Tower 0.73 09/28/2021 21:40:54
Defeat Adramelech -- Circle of the Moon
Stronger than Clay Stronger than Clay 0.66 09/28/2021 19:51:00
Defeat the Iron Golem -- Circle of the Moon
Speaker for the Dead Speaker for the Dead 0.62 09/28/2021 09:42:06
Defeat the Necromancer -- Circle of the Moon
Hell's Gatekeeper Hell's Gatekeeper 0.56 09/28/2021 02:47:14
Defeat Cerberus -- Circle of the Moon
Maxim Mirage ! Maxim Mirage ! 1.31 09/27/2021 21:44:03
Beat the game as Maxim -- Harmony of Dissonance
Ending of Dissonance Ending of Dissonance 1.00 09/27/2021 04:25:02
Save Lydie & Maxim, beat the game -- Harmony of Dissonance
Friend or Foe Friend or Foe 0.96 09/27/2021 04:14:22
Defeat Maxim -- Harmony of Dissonance
Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home 1.07 09/27/2021 04:05:05
Collect all the furnitures -- Harmony of Dissonance
In the Country of the Blind In the Country of the Blind 0.96 09/27/2021 03:15:34
Defeat the Cyclops -- Harmony of Dissonance
Dracula's Trusted Ally Dracula's Trusted Ally 0.95 09/26/2021 21:09:27
Defeat Death -- Harmony of Dissonance
One Vein, One Nail One Vein, One Nail 0.95 09/26/2021 21:03:13
Defeat Talos -- Harmony of Dissonance
For We Are Dead For We Are Dead 0.95 09/26/2021 20:34:46
Defeat Legion (corpse) -- Harmony of Dissonance
This Time for Good This Time for Good 0.95 09/26/2021 08:55:18
Defeat the Minotaur Lv2 -- Harmony of Dissonance
Grimmest Of All Time Grimmest Of All Time 0.94 09/26/2021 06:15:59
Defeat Pazuzu -- Harmony of Dissonance
Moth, Panther and Sword Moth, Panther and Sword 0.93 09/26/2021 01:00:04
Defeat Shadow -- Harmony of Dissonance
Unholy Water Unholy Water 0.90 09/25/2021 22:49:33
Defeat the Giant Merman -- Harmony of Dissonance
For We Are Many For We Are Many 0.89 09/25/2021 19:20:44
Defeat Legion (saint) -- Harmony of Dissonance
An Eye for an Eye An Eye for an Eye 0.89 09/25/2021 19:12:10
Defeat Peeping Big -- Harmony of Dissonance
A Quixotic Substance A Quixotic Substance 0.88 09/25/2021 10:19:07
Defeat the Max Slimer -- Harmony of Dissonance
Vade Retro! Vade Retro! 0.87 09/25/2021 09:56:11
Defeat the Devil -- Harmony of Dissonance
Back to the Labyrinth Back to the Labyrinth 0.89 09/25/2021 05:36:22
Defeat the Minotaur -- Harmony of Dissonance
Danger! Falling Rocks Danger! Falling Rocks 0.85 09/25/2021 05:23:06
Defeat the Golem -- Harmony of Dissonance
What a Great Shield What a Great Shield 0.83 09/25/2021 02:46:11
Defeat the Skull Knight -- Harmony of Dissonance
Fullmetal Enemy Fullmetal Enemy 0.77 09/25/2021 02:19:52
Defeat the Living Armor -- Harmony of Dissonance
Spins and Charges Spins and Charges 0.69 09/25/2021 02:03:05
Defeat the Giant Bat -- Harmony of Dissonance
Lovers' Reunion Lovers' Reunion 1.10 09/25/2021 01:35:46
Save Annet -- Dracula X / Vampire's Kiss
Maria, You're Safe Now Maria, You're Safe Now 1.08 09/25/2021 01:35:46
Save Maria -- Dracula X / Vampire's Kiss
Richter is Back Richter is Back 1.05 09/24/2021 22:56:44
Beat the game -- Dracula X / Vampire's Kiss

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