]> Achievement Stats » Profiles » Niko241 » Unlocking history » Rogue Company

Unlocking history of Niko241 for Rogue Company RSS feed

26.4 hours playing time on record

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
All I Do Is Win All I Do Is Win 0.45 07/31/2021 03:13:40
Win 100 matches
All In The Family All In The Family 0.56 07/27/2021 19:29:25
Play 25 hours in a party
Moneybags Moneybags 0.57 07/27/2021 15:38:13
Accrue a total of $70,000 in a single match
First Aid First Aid 0.45 07/27/2021 14:56:15
Revive a total of 100 players
Thrifty Thrifty 0.88 07/27/2021 14:38:59
Win a match without purchasing a primary weapon
Good Company Good Company 0.42 07/21/2021 08:33:08
Win 8 matches with 8 different Rogues
Headhunter Headhunter 0.34 07/21/2021 06:15:04
Deal a total of 10,000 damage to players via headshots
No Respect No Respect 0.70 07/21/2021 00:44:04
Down an enemy with a gadget while looking away from them
Zip On Lock Zip On Lock 0.77 07/21/2021 00:36:30
Down an enemy while riding a zipline
Not Even Close Not Even Close 0.41 07/21/2021 00:32:16
Down an enemy while you have less than 10% health
Scavenger Scavenger 0.47 07/21/2021 00:28:03
Pick up another player's weapon and down an enemy with it
Zeal Zeal 0.59 07/21/2021 00:25:22
Down an enemy with a melee weapon
Hard Carry Hard Carry 0.54 07/21/2021 00:22:13
Down 20 enemies in a single match
Grenadier Grenadier 0.48 07/21/2021 00:10:22
Deal 1,000 damage with gadgets
Perky Perky 0.37 07/21/2021 00:05:11
Purchase 3 perks in a single match
Fours A Party Fours A Party 0.36 07/21/2021 00:01:41
Down 4 enemies in one round
Gunsmith Gunsmith 0.39 07/20/2021 23:58:02
Fully upgrade a primary weapon
Ambush Ambush 0.32 07/20/2021 23:56:04
Down an enemy without taking return damage
Decimated Decimated 0.32 07/20/2021 23:53:42
Down 10 enemies
Unflappable Unflappable 0.50 07/20/2021 23:44:43
Complete the tutorial

Locked achievements

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