]> Achievement Stats » Profiles » Gandhi » Unlocking history » Project Wingman

Unlocking history of Gandhi for Project Wingman RSS feed

17.4 hours playing time on record

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
High Alert High Alert 1.28 03/15/2021 19:55:29
Reach alert level 10 in Conquest mode.
Hoarding Problem Hoarding Problem 1.53 01/09/2021 15:13:06
Own every single aircraft in the campaign.
Building Inventory Building Inventory 1.32 01/09/2021 15:12:48
Own a total of 15 aircraft in the campaign.
Sicario's Top Dog Sicario's Top Dog 1.32 01/09/2021 14:50:01
Complete all missions in Hard Difficulty mode.
Mercenary Mercenary 1.05 01/09/2021 14:50:01
Complete all missions in Normal Difficulty mode.
I see no Kings up here I see no Kings up here 0.99 01/09/2021 14:50:01
Complete Mission 21 of the Campaign.
No Name Mercenary No Name Mercenary 0.99 01/09/2021 14:50:01
Complete all missions in Easy Difficulty mode.
Crowned Crowned 0.99 01/09/2021 14:37:54
Complete the Campaign once.
Kingdom Come Kingdom Come 0.99 01/09/2021 14:14:18
Complete Mission 20 of the Campaign.
Ace Ace 1.00 01/09/2021 13:59:34
Destroy a total of 600 air targets.
Rough Seas Rough Seas 0.98 01/09/2021 13:51:17
Complete Mission 19 of the Campaign.
Tragedy of the Commons Tragedy of the Commons 0.98 01/09/2021 13:31:12
Complete Mission 18 of the Campaign.
Alpha Strike Alpha Strike 0.97 01/08/2021 04:40:19
Complete Mission 17 of the Campaign.
Ground Pounder Ground Pounder 0.95 01/08/2021 04:32:54
Destroy a total of 600 ground targets.
Soul at Hazard Soul at Hazard 0.97 01/08/2021 04:19:34
Complete Mission 16 of the Campaign.
Calamity Calamity 0.97 01/08/2021 04:03:01
Complete Mission 15 of the Campaign.
Vindication & Retribution Vindication & Retribution 0.96 12/23/2020 21:18:03
Complete Mission 14 of the Campaign.
Mercenary Infamy Mercenary Infamy 0.95 12/02/2020 22:31:32
Complete Mission 13 of the Campaign.
Acceptable Loss Acceptable Loss 0.96 12/02/2020 05:32:06
Sell an Aircraft in any game mode.
Light Show Light Show 0.94 12/02/2020 05:28:43
Complete Mission 12 of the Campaign.
He said it! He said it! 0.94 12/02/2020 05:10:31
He said the title of the game! In game! I can't believe it!
Ice Oldman Ice Oldman 0.93 12/02/2020 04:50:12
Complete Mission 11 of the Campaign.
Blackout Blackout 0.93 12/02/2020 04:22:10
Complete Mission 10 of the Campaign.
An Ace; On Stage An Ace; On Stage 0.92 12/02/2020 04:06:15
Complete Mission 9 of the Campaign.
Clear Skies Clear Skies 0.90 12/02/2020 03:30:17
Complete Mission 8 of the Campaign.
Showdown at Sea Showdown at Sea 0.89 12/01/2020 22:23:14
Complete Mission 7 of the Campaign.
Hot Extract Hot Extract 0.86 12/01/2020 21:58:40
Complete Mission 6 of the Campaign.
Buying Power Buying Power 0.81 12/01/2020 21:34:06
Own a total of 5 aircraft in the campaign.
Undignified Undignified 0.81 12/01/2020 21:31:45
Complete Mission 5 of the Campaign.
Invasive Species Invasive Species 0.78 12/01/2020 20:50:26
Complete Mission 4 of the Campaign.
Evictors Evictors 0.75 12/01/2020 20:31:04
Complete Mission 3 of the Campaign.
No Borders No Borders 0.71 12/01/2020 20:11:57
Complete Mission 2 of the Campaign.
Another Day Another Day 0.62 12/01/2020 19:53:13
Complete Mission 1 of the Campaign.

Locked achievements

Game Achievement Points
King of the Skies King of the Skies 1.59
Complete all missions in Mercenary Difficulty mode.
Payout Machine Payout Machine 1.22
Destroy a total of 2000 targets.
Big Shot Big Shot 1.47
Destroy a total of 250 vessels.
Hungry For Power Hungry For Power 1.72
Unlock all aircraft in Conquest mode.
Decked Out! Decked Out! 1.59
Purchase every single unit in Conquest mode.
Priority Threat Priority Threat 1.53
Reach alert level 20 in Conquest mode.
Unstoppable Power Unstoppable Power 1.68
Reach alert level 30 in Conquest mode.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 4 queries
974.30 KiB memory usage
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