]> Achievement Stats » Profiles » Kodiak Ghost » Unlocking history » Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition

Unlocking history of Kodiak Ghost for Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition RSS feed

28.1 hours playing time on record

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
Long Distance Runner Long Distance Runner 1.89 01/02/2014 07:55:50
Sprint for 4000 meters (in total)
Pacifier Pacifier 2.03 01/02/2014 07:39:45
Kill 50 opponents with 'Pacyfikator' Telescopic Baton
Dancing Loony Bin Dancing Loony Bin 2.07 12/22/2013 02:49:55
Beat the game on InSane difficulty setting
Asylum Asylum 1.86 12/22/2013 02:49:55
Beat the game on Hard difficulty setting
Sanitarium Sanitarium 1.57 12/22/2013 02:49:55
Beat the game on Normal difficulty setting
Hack n' Slash! Hack n' Slash! 1.90 12/21/2013 07:07:33
Kill 50 opponents with Sickle
Shelter Entryway: Sixth Encounter Finished Shelter Entryway: Sixth Encounter Finished 2.09 12/21/2013 06:47:41
Finish sixth encounter
Shelter Entryway: Fifth Encounter Finished Shelter Entryway: Fifth Encounter Finished 2.08 12/21/2013 06:41:32
Finish fifth encounter
Shelter Entryway: Fourth Encounter Finished Shelter Entryway: Fourth Encounter Finished 2.06 12/21/2013 06:31:16
Finish fourth encounter
Shelter Entryway: Third Encounter Finished Shelter Entryway: Third Encounter Finished 2.04 12/21/2013 06:10:10
Finish third encounter
Shelter Entryway:  Second Encounter Finished Shelter Entryway: Second Encounter Finished 1.98 12/21/2013 06:05:49
Finish second encounter
Shelter Entryway: First Encounter Finished Shelter Entryway: First Encounter Finished 1.90 12/21/2013 05:48:31
Finish first encounter
Underground Arena: Third Boss Defeated Underground Arena: Third Boss Defeated 2.11 12/21/2013 05:41:56
Defeat Third Boss
Underground Arena: Sixth Encounter Finished Underground Arena: Sixth Encounter Finished 2.09 12/20/2013 06:33:22
Finish sixth encounter
Underground Arena: Fifth Encounter Finished Underground Arena: Fifth Encounter Finished 2.07 12/20/2013 06:05:07
Finish fifth encounter
Underground Arena: Second Boss Defeated Underground Arena: Second Boss Defeated 2.05 12/20/2013 05:34:24
Defeat Second Boss
Underground Arena: Fourth Encounter Finished Underground Arena: Fourth Encounter Finished 2.06 12/20/2013 05:26:08
Finish fourth encounter
Underground Arena: Third Encounter Finished Underground Arena: Third Encounter Finished 2.05 12/20/2013 05:21:05
Finish third encounter
Underground Arena: First Boss Defeated Underground Arena: First Boss Defeated 2.03 12/20/2013 05:15:36
Defeat first boss
Underground Arena: Second Encounter Finished Underground Arena: Second Encounter Finished 2.00 12/20/2013 04:54:05
Finish second encounter
Underground Arena: First Encounter Finished Underground Arena: First Encounter Finished 1.90 12/20/2013 04:47:48
Finish first encounter
Headhunter Headhunter 1.93 12/20/2013 00:58:15
Smash 50 heads with a kick to the head in the finisher
Look Ma', no scope! Look Ma', no scope! 1.86 12/20/2013 00:45:38
Kill 100 using headshots
Olé! Olé! 1.83 12/20/2013 00:21:53
Kill 30 opponents with Raging Bull
Hammerin' time! Hammerin' time! 1.75 12/19/2013 23:24:19
Kill 30 opponents with Power Hammer
Coup de grâce Coup de grâce 1.63 12/19/2013 15:32:52
Kill 30 using the finishers
Special Treatment Special Treatment 1.97 12/19/2013 15:24:49
"Tranquilize" 20 opponents with Syringe
I337 h4xx0r I337 h4xx0r 1.64 12/19/2013 15:12:04
Hack a device with L2 Security with less than 5 mistakes
Jackpot! Jackpot! 1.10 12/19/2013 13:08:49
Find an ammo pack in the vending machine
Clinic Clinic 1.46 12/19/2013 12:45:11
Beat the game on Easy difficulty setting
Insomnia Insomnia 1.46 12/19/2013 12:45:11
Complete Level 10
Delusion Delusion 1.45 12/19/2013 12:38:32
Complete Level 9
Paranoia Paranoia 1.42 12/19/2013 11:05:15
Complete Level 8
Good Listener Good Listener 1.44 12/19/2013 11:04:03
Listen to all recordings in the game
Neurosis Neurosis 1.42 12/19/2013 10:56:36
Complete Level 7
Doctor Nosy Doctor Nosy 1.55 12/19/2013 10:30:24
Find most of notes in the game
Phagophobia Phagophobia 1.40 12/19/2013 10:16:28
Complete Level 6
Shelter "Gory" Shelter "Gory" 1.39 12/19/2013 10:10:04
Kill 100 with dismemberment
Agoraphobia Agoraphobia 1.34 12/19/2013 09:54:44
Complete Level 5
Mania Mania 1.34 12/19/2013 09:01:49
Complete Level 4
Depression Depression 1.28 12/19/2013 06:44:20
Complete Level 3
Here's Albert! Here's Albert! 1.33 12/19/2013 05:51:42
Kill 50 opponents with Firefighter's Axe
Psychosis Psychosis 1.20 12/17/2013 10:32:05
Complete Level 2
Parasomnia Parasomnia 0.75 10/13/2013 03:23:08
Complete Level 1

Locked achievements

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