]> Achievement Stats » Profile » Robotica » Historia odblokowania » Tallowmere

Historia odblokowania użytkownika Robotica dla gry Tallowmere Wiadomości RSS

Zarejestrowane 17,3 godzin czasu gry


from .. ::

to .. ::

Gra Osiągnięcie Punkty Odblokowane
Room 50 Room 50 1,65 08.03.2015 17:55:00
Make it to Room 50 without sacrificing any kittens.
Mythical Outfit Mythical Outfit 1,28 08.03.2015 17:21:00
Acquire a 6-star outfit without sacrificing any kittens.
Mythical Shieldbearer Mythical Shieldbearer 1,33 08.03.2015 16:21:00
Acquire a 6-star shield without sacrificing any kittens.
Otherworldly Outfit Otherworldly Outfit 1,36 07.03.2015 20:14:00
Acquire a 7-star outfit without sacrificing any kittens.
Otherworldly Shieldbearer Otherworldly Shieldbearer 1,44 07.03.2015 10:20:00
Acquire a 7-star shield without sacrificing any kittens.
Room 40 Room 40 1,52 06.03.2015 22:00:00
Make it to Room 40 without sacrificing any kittens.
Otherworldly Headgear Otherworldly Headgear 1,39 06.03.2015 21:33:00
Acquire a 7-star piece of headgear without sacrificing any kittens.
Legendary Headgear Legendary Headgear 1,15 05.03.2015 20:53:00
Acquire a 5-star piece of headgear without sacrificing any kittens.
Room 30 Room 30 1,36 05.03.2015 19:30:00
Make it to Room 30 without sacrificing any kittens.
Mythical Headgear Mythical Headgear 1,32 05.03.2015 17:09:00
Acquire a 6-star piece of headgear without sacrificing any kittens.
Legendary Shieldbearer Legendary Shieldbearer 1,20 05.03.2015 05:32:00
Acquire a 5-star shield without sacrificing any kittens.
Legendary Outfit Legendary Outfit 1,13 04.03.2015 20:48:00
Acquire a 5-star outfit without sacrificing any kittens.
Room 20 Room 20 1,12 04.03.2015 20:40:00
Make it to Room 20 without sacrificing any kittens.
Legendary Weaponry Legendary Weaponry 1,02 04.03.2015 18:06:00
Acquire a 5-star weapon without sacrificing any kittens.
Rescue Lady Tallowmere Rescue Lady Tallowmere 1,05 04.03.2015 17:59:00
Free Lady T from her peril without sacrificing any kittens.
Nightmare Begone Nightmare Begone 0,98 04.03.2015 17:25:00
Defeat Jazza without sacrificing any kittens.
Death by Rocket Launcher Death by Rocket Launcher 0,95 04.03.2015 17:19:00
Blow yourself up with a rocket launcher.
Mythical Weaponry Mythical Weaponry 1,15 03.03.2015 20:06:00
Acquire a 6-star weapon without sacrificing any kittens.
Flag Runner Flag Runner 1,17 03.03.2015 18:26:00
Return the flag without dropping it, and without sacrificing any kittens.
Flag Fetcher Flag Fetcher 0,98 03.03.2015 18:26:00
Return the cursed flag to Lady Tallowmere without sacrificing any kittens.
Hydra Slayer Hydra Slayer 0,99 03.03.2015 18:08:00
Defeat the three-headed Hydra without sacrificing any kittens.
Death by Grenades Death by Grenades 0,98 03.03.2015 18:01:00
Kill yourself using your own grenades.
Room 10 Room 10 0,88 03.03.2015 17:41:00
Make it to Room 10 without sacrificing any kittens.
Stealthy Backstab Stealthy Backstab 0,92 03.03.2015 17:27:00
While stealthed with the Emerald Dagger, stab an enemy in the back.
Heal Please Heal Please 0,90 03.03.2015 17:18:00
Receive healing from Lady Tallowmere while on 1 health.

Zablokowane osiągnięcia

Gra Osiągnięcie Punkty
Room 60 Room 60 1,74
Make it to Room 60 without sacrificing any kittens.
Otherworldly Weaponry Otherworldly Weaponry 1,29
Acquire a 7-star weapon without sacrificing any kittens.
Mmm, Tasty Mmm, Tasty 0,93
Sacrifice all nine kittens and die a little inside.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
4 uruchomionych zapytań
950,37 KiB zużycia pamięci
20 dostępnych robotów indeksujących

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