]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Arma 3 Jets

Arma 3 Jets


5 achievements worth of 3.78 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
Bomberman Bomberman Destroyed a ground target with a bomb in Showcase Fighter Jets. 05/12/2017 15:57:29 0.87
Deadstick Landing Deadstick Landing Landed your damaged aircraft for repairs in Showcase Fighter Jets. 05/12/2017 15:57:29 1.18
Get Arrested Get Arrested Successfully completed your first carrier landing. 05/12/2017 15:57:30 0.83
Armed and Dangerous Armed and Dangerous Customized any compatible vehicle's dynamic loadout in Eden Editor. 05/12/2017 15:57:30 0.69
Punch Out Punch Out Safely ejected from any compatible jet using an ejection seat. 05/12/2017 15:57:30 0.20

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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