]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Arma 3 Apex

Arma 3 Apex


18 achievements worth of 21.29 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
Firestarter Firestarter Destroyed all Syndikat stashes in the 03 Firestarter campaign mission. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 1.04
Fast Extract Fast Extract Completed the 05 Extraction campaign mission in less than 20 minutes. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 1.26
Warlock Down Warlock Down Crippled Syndikat's Chain of Command in the Apex Protocol campaign. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 1.16
Better With Friends Better With Friends Completed each mission of the Apex Protocol campaign with the help of your teammates. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 1.28
Lone Wolf Lone Wolf Completed each mission of the Apex Protocol campaign alone. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 1.41
The Bigger Picture The Bigger Picture Completed each mission of the Apex Protocol campaign chronologically. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 1.17
None The Wiser None The Wiser Completed the 04 Heart of Darkness campaign mission without alerting the enemy. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 1.48
Welcome to Tanoa Welcome to Tanoa Visited the crown jewel terrain of Arma 3 Apex for the first time. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 0.24
Transport Service Transport Service Loaded or unloaded 5 vehicles into any suitable transport vehicle. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 1.18
Game Plan Game Plan Drew at least one line on the map. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 0.28
With Mark of the Serpent With Mark of the Serpent Tried out Viper Special Purpose Suit. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 0.60
Changing the Balance Changing the Balance Modified your difficulty options and saved the custom settings. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 0.52
Mr. Anderson Mr. Anderson Equipped any variant of the ADR-97 submachine gun. 07/09/2016 17:55:29 0.61
Dome Free Dome Free Destroyed CSAT's biogenetic weapons laboratory in the Old Man scenario. 03/24/2020 18:27:15 1.77
Devil's Due Devil's Due Completed the Old Man scenario, giving the counteragent to the insurgents. 03/24/2020 18:27:15 1.86
Status Quo Status Quo Completed the Old Man scenario, giving the counteragent to Keystone. 03/24/2020 18:27:15 1.82
Man of the People Man of the People Completed the Old Man scenario, giving the counteragent to Dr. Drábek. 03/24/2020 18:27:15 1.84
Respectfully, Sir Respectfully, Sir Killed Keystone in the Old Man scenario. 03/24/2020 18:27:15 1.77

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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