]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Crossout


Crossout - Arsonist PackCrossout - Pandemic PackCrossout - Corrida PackCrossout - Insomnia PackCrossout - Drive PackCrossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: WarCrossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: DeathCrossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: FamineCrossout - Born Free PackCrossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: PestilenceCrossout - Polymorph packCrossout - Assault Force: Charlie-7Crossout - Assault Force: Tango-1Crossout - AdrenalineCrossout - PhantomCrossout — Triad: The Keeper packCrossout — Assault Force: Bravo-6Crossout — ArachnidaCrossout — Triad: The PatronCrossout - The CreationCrossout — Triad: The RascalCrossout — BarghestCrossout – Polar ExplorerCrossout — Biter Starter PackCrossout — Cleaner Starter PackCrossout – Eater of soulsCrossout – Steel shieldCrossout – CatalinaCrossout — Menace of the MachinesCrossout — Menace of the Machines (Deluxe edition)Crossout — Bone HunterCrossout — Electric beetleCrossout — Dragonfly

Crossout - Wasteland Warrior PackCrossout - Early Access packCrossout - Snake Bite PackCrossout - The Tramp PackCrossout - The Inventor PackCrossout - “Frostburn” PackCrossout - Arachnophobia PackCrossout - Valentine's day packCrossout - Wild Hunt PackCrossout - Third Half PackCrossout - Spectral Hunter PackCrossout - Iron Shield PackCrossout - Family Holiday PackCrossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: War (Deluxe Edition)Crossout - Fresh BloodCrossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Death (Deluxe Edition)Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine (Deluxe Edition)Crossout - “Frostburn” (Elite pack)Crossout - Assault Force: Charlie-7 (Elite pack)Crossout -  Adrenaline (Deluxe Edition)Crossout - Triad: The Keeper (Deluxe edition)Crossout — Assault Force: Bravo-6 (Deluxe edition)Crossout — Assault Force: Bravo-6 (Lite edition)Crossout — Fresh Blood (Deluxe Edition)Crossout — PenaltyCrossout — Triad: The Rascal (Lite edition)Crossout — Triad: The Rascal (Deluxe edition)Crossout — Polar Explorer (Lite edition)Crossout – Polar explorer (Deluxe edition)Crossout – Eater of souls (Deluxe edition)Crossout – Eater of souls (Lite edition)Crossout – Extreme footballCrossout – SaviorCrossout – Savior (Lite edition)Crossout – Savior (Deluxe edition)Crossout — Dragonfly (Lite edition)Crossout — Dragonfly (Deluxe edition)

109.5 average hours needed for completion.

193 achievements worth of 248.11 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
Participant Participant Take part in a battle against live players 09/04/2016 06:19:32 0.17
Never give up! Never give up! Lose a battle against live players 09/04/2016 06:19:32 0.22
Impulse Buyer Impulse Buyer Quick-buy 1 item 09/04/2016 06:19:40 0.73
Opportunist Opportunist Quick-sell 1 item 09/04/2016 06:19:40 0.51
Raider I Raider I Successfully complete 10 raids 12/13/2016 04:35:55 0.68
Eradicator I Eradicator I Successfully complete 10 ‘Leviathan’ raids 12/13/2016 04:35:55 1.35
Butcher I Butcher I Destroy or help destroy 200 enemies in PvE 12/13/2016 04:35:56 0.63
Hunter I Hunter I Destroy or help destroy 5 leviathans 12/13/2016 04:35:56 0.88
Strategist I Strategist I Ensure 5 victories for your own leviathan 12/13/2016 04:35:56 1.35
Winner I Winner I Win 10 battles against live players 12/13/2016 04:35:57 0.32
One Punch Man I One Punch Man I Deal 1000 melee damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:35:57 0.44
Blaster I Blaster I Deal 10000 explosive damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:35:57 0.56
Sharpshooter I Sharpshooter I Deal 10000 firearms damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:35:58 0.32
Assassin I Assassin I Destroy 100 player vehicles by any means 12/13/2016 04:35:58 0.46
Experienced Engineer I Experienced Engineer I Reach prestige level 1 with the Engineers faction 12/13/2016 04:35:58 1.38
Lunatic I Lunatic I Reach reputation level 1 with the Lunatics faction 12/13/2016 04:35:59 0.77
Explorer I Explorer I Reach reputation level 1 with the Nomads faction 12/13/2016 04:35:59 0.78
Scavenger I Scavenger I Reach reputation level 1 with the Scavengers faction 12/13/2016 04:35:59 0.81
Apprentice I Apprentice I Build any 5 parts 12/13/2016 04:36:00 0.64
Craftsman I Craftsman I Manufacture 1 rare part 12/13/2016 04:36:00 0.65
Industrialist I Industrialist I Build 1 epic part 12/13/2016 04:36:00 1.17
Magnate I Magnate I Manufacture 1 legendary part 12/13/2016 04:36:01 1.25
The Sleep of Reason I The Sleep of Reason I Assemble a vehicle from 40 parts 12/13/2016 04:36:01 0.56
It's Alive! Alive! I It's Alive! Alive! I Assemble a vehicle with a power score of 2500 or higher 12/13/2016 04:36:01 0.57
Challenger I Challenger I Complete 5 daily challenges 12/13/2016 04:36:01 0.52
Shopaholic I Shopaholic I Buy 1 item on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:02 0.50
Fence I Fence I Sell 1 item on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:02 0.43
Rockfeller I Rockfeller I Earn 1000 on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:02 1.10
Discoverer I Discoverer I Open 5 containers 12/13/2016 04:36:02 0.70
Raider II Raider II Successfully complete 50 raids 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.05
Raider III Raider III Successfully complete 150 raids 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.31
Raider IV Raider IV Successfully complete 500 raids 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.51
Raider V Raider V Successfully complete 2000 raids 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.62
Eradicator II Eradicator II Successfully complete 15 ‘Leviathan’ raids 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.41
Eradicator III Eradicator III Successfully complete 50 ‘Leviathan’ raids 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.53
Eradicator IV Eradicator IV Successfully complete 100 ‘Leviathan’ raids 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.58
Eradicator V Eradicator V Successfully complete 200 ‘Leviathan’ raids 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.61
Butcher II Butcher II Destroy or help destroy 500 enemies in PvE 12/13/2016 04:36:03 0.83
Butcher III Butcher III Destroy or help destroy 1000 enemies in PvE 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.00
Butcher IV Butcher IV Destroy or help destroy 2500 enemies in PvE 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.23
Butcher V Butcher V Destroy or help destroy 5000 enemies in PvE 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.37
Hunter II Hunter II Destroy or help destroy 50 leviathans 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.27
Hunter III Hunter III Destroy or help destroy 100 leviathans 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.38
Hunter IV Hunter IV Destroy or help destroy 250 leviathans 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.50
Hunter V Hunter V Destroy or help destroy 500 leviathans 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.56
Strategist II Strategist II Ensure 15 victories for your own leviathan 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.47
Strategist III Strategist III Ensure 50 victories for your own leviathan 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.58
Strategist IV Strategist IV Ensure 100 victories for your own leviathan 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.61
Strategist V Strategist V Ensure 500 victories for your own leviathan 12/13/2016 04:36:03 1.64
Winner  II Winner II Win 100 battles against live players 12/13/2016 04:36:03 0.85
Winner III Winner III Win 250 battles against live players 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.13
Winner IV Winner IV Win 1000 battles against live players 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.43
Winner V Winner V Win 2000 battles against live players 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.53
One Punch Man II One Punch Man II Deal 5000 melee damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.67
One Punch Man III One Punch Man III Deal 10000 melee damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.82
One Punch Man IV One Punch Man IV Deal 20000 melee damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.98
One Punch Man V One Punch Man V Deal 40000 melee damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.13
Blaster II Blaster II Deal 50000 explosive damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.73
Blaster III Blaster III Deal 150000 explosive damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.92
Blaster IV Blaster IV Deal 300000 explosive damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.06
Blaster V Blaster V Deal 500000 explosive damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.16
Sharpshooter II Sharpshooter II Deal 50000 firearms damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.61
Sharpshooter III Sharpshooter III Deal 150000 firearms damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.92
Sharpshooter IV Sharpshooter IV Deal 300000 firearms damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.12
Sharpshooter V Sharpshooter V Deal 500000 firearms damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.23
Assassin II Assassin II Destroy 250 player vehicles by any means 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.66
Assassin III Assassin III Destroy 500 player vehicles by any means 12/13/2016 04:36:04 0.86
Assassin IV Assassin IV Destroy 1000 player vehicles by any means 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.07
Assassin V Assassin V Destroy 2000 player vehicles by any means 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.25
Experienced Engineer II Experienced Engineer II Reach prestige level 10 with the Engineers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.51
Experienced Engineer III Experienced Engineer III Reach prestige level 50 with the Engineers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.61
Experienced Engineer IV Experienced Engineer IV Reach prestige level 100 with the Engineers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.63
Lunatic II Lunatic II Reach reputation level 5 with the Lunatics faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.11
Lunatic III Lunatic III Reach reputation level 15 with the Lunatics faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.58
Explorer II Explorer II Reach reputation level 5 with the Nomads faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.08
Explorer III Explorer III Reach reputation level 15 with the Nomads faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.58
Scavenger II Scavenger II Reach reputation level 5 with the Scavengers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.10
Scavenger III Scavenger III Reach reputation level 15 with the Scavengers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:04 1.58
Apprentice II Apprentice II Build any 10 parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 0.81
Apprentice III Apprentice III Build any 50 parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.22
Apprentice IV Apprentice IV Build any 150 parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.44
Apprentice V Apprentice V Build any 350 parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.54
Craftsman II Craftsman II Manufacture 5 rare parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 0.91
Craftsman III Craftsman III Manufacture 15 rare parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.16
Craftsman IV Craftsman IV Manufacture 30 rare parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.31
Magnate II Magnate II Manufacture 3 legendary parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.42
Magnate III Magnate III Manufacture 5 legendary parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.48
Magnate IV Magnate IV Manufacture 10 legendary parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.54
The Sleep of Reason II The Sleep of Reason II Assemble a vehicle from 60 parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 0.99
The Sleep of Reason III The Sleep of Reason III Assemble a vehicle from 80 parts 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.13
It's Alive! Alive! II It's Alive! Alive! II Assemble a vehicle with a power score of 4000 or higher 12/13/2016 04:36:05 0.79
It's Alive! Alive! III It's Alive! Alive! III Assemble a vehicle with a power score of 8000 or higher 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.10
It's Alive! Alive! IV It's Alive! Alive! IV Assemble a vehicle with a power score of 16000 or higher 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.40
Challenger II Challenger II Complete 15 daily challenges 12/13/2016 04:36:05 0.72
Challenger III Challenger III Complete 30 daily challenges 12/13/2016 04:36:05 0.90
Challenger IV Challenger IV Complete 60 daily challenges 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.09
Challenger V Challenger V Complete 160 daily challenges 12/13/2016 04:36:05 1.31
Shopaholic II Shopaholic II Buy 10 goods on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 0.68
Shopaholic III Shopaholic III Buy 100 goods on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.11
Shopaholic IV Shopaholic IV Buy 250 goods on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.29
Shopaholic V Shopaholic V Buy 500 goods on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.40
Fence II Fence II Sell 25 goods on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 0.73
Fence III Fence III Sell 150 goods on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.10
Fence V Fence V Sell 1000 goods on the marke 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.47
Rockfeller II Rockfeller II Earn 5000 on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.30
Rockfeller III Rockfeller III Earn 10000 on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.38
Rockfeller IV Rockfeller IV Earn 50000 on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.54
Rockfeller V Rockfeller V Earn 100000 on the market 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.58
Discoverer II Discoverer II Open 15 containers 12/13/2016 04:36:06 0.97
Discoverer III Discoverer III Open 50 containers 12/13/2016 04:36:06 1.32
Discoverer IV Discoverer IV Open 100 containers 12/13/2016 04:36:07 1.48
Discoverer V Discoverer V Open 300 containers 12/13/2016 04:36:07 1.60
Firestarter I Firestarter I Deal 500 fire damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:07 1.36
Firestarter II Firestarter II Deal 50000 fire damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:07 1.49
Firestarter III Firestarter III Deal 150000 fire damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:07 1.54
Firestarter IV Firestarter IV Deal 300000 fire damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:07 1.57
Firestarter V Firestarter V Deal 500000 fire damage to player vehicles 12/13/2016 04:36:07 1.58
Seasoned engineer I Seasoned engineer I Reach reputation level 5 with the Engineers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:07 0.36
Seasoned engineer II Seasoned engineer II Reach reputation level 10 with the Engineers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 0.60
Seasoned Engineer III Seasoned Engineer III Reach reputation level 20 with the Engineers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 1.12
Seasoned Engineer IV Seasoned Engineer IV Reach reputation level 30 with the Engineers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 1.34
Legendary Lunatic I Legendary Lunatic I Reach prestige level 1 with the Lunatics faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 1.60
Legendary Lunatic II Legendary Lunatic II Reach prestige level 5 with the Lunatics faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 1.62
Legendary Lunatic III Legendary Lunatic III Reach prestige level 15 with the Lunatics faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 1.63
Legendary Lunatic IV Legendary Lunatic IV Reach prestige level 25 with the Lunatics faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 1.64
I See the Light I I See the Light I Reach prestige level 1 with the Scavengers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 1.60
I See the Light II I See the Light II Reach prestige level 5 with the Scavengers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:08 1.63
I See the Light III I See the Light III Reach prestige level 15 with the Scavengers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:09 1.64
I See the Light IV I See the Light IV Reach prestige level 25 with the Scavengers faction 12/13/2016 04:36:09 1.64
Fence IV Fence IV Sell 500 goods on the market 01/21/2017 04:00:11 1.36
Pilgrim I Pilgrim I Reach prestige level 1 with the Nomads faction 01/21/2017 04:00:13 1.61
Pilgrim II Pilgrim II Reach prestige level 5 with the Nomads faction 01/21/2017 04:00:13 1.63
Pilgrim III Pilgrim III Reach prestige level 15 with the Nomads faction 01/21/2017 04:00:14 1.64
Pilgrim IV Pilgrim IV Reach prestige level 25 with the Nomads faction 01/21/2017 04:00:14 1.64
Lord of war I Lord of war I Manufacture a relic part 01/21/2017 04:00:14 1.61
Lord of war II Lord of war II Manufacture 2 relic parts 01/21/2017 04:00:14 1.62
Lord of war III Lord of war III Manufacture 3 relic parts 01/21/2017 04:00:14 1.63
Rare fusion I Rare fusion I Upgrade 1 rare part 01/21/2017 04:00:14 1.28
Rare fusion II Rare fusion II Upgrade 5 rare parts 01/21/2017 04:00:15 1.51
Rare fusion III Rare fusion III Upgrade 10 rare parts 01/21/2017 04:00:15 1.56
Rare fusion IV Rare fusion IV Upgrade 20 rare parts 01/21/2017 04:00:15 1.59
Epic fusion I Epic fusion I Upgrade 1 epic part 01/21/2017 04:00:16 1.54
Epic fusion II Epic fusion II Upgrade 3 epic parts 01/21/2017 04:00:16 1.58
Epic fusion III Epic fusion III Upgrade 8 epic parts 01/21/2017 04:00:16 1.60
Epic fusion IV Epic fusion IV Upgrade 16 epic parts 01/21/2017 04:00:16 1.61
Legendary fusion I Legendary fusion I Upgrade 1 legendary part 01/21/2017 04:00:17 1.62
Legendary fusion II Legendary fusion II Upgrade 2 legendary parts 01/21/2017 04:00:17 1.63
Legendary fusion III Legendary fusion III Upgrade 5 legendary parts 01/21/2017 04:00:17 1.63
Legendary fusion IV Legendary fusion IV Upgrade 8 legendary parts 01/21/2017 04:00:17 1.64
Relic fusion Relic fusion Upgrade 1 relic part 03/09/2017 16:43:18 1.64
Industrialist II Industrialist II Build 5 epic parts 07/26/2017 18:44:36 1.40
Industrialist III Industrialist III Build 10 epic parts 07/26/2017 18:44:36 1.48
Industrialist IV Industrialist IV Build 15 epic parts 07/26/2017 18:44:36 1.51
Burning dawn I Burning dawn I Deal 10000 energy damage to player vehicles 10/17/2017 18:50:49 1.16
Burning dawn II Burning dawn II Deal 50000 energy damage to player vehicles 10/17/2017 18:50:49 1.31
Burning dawn III Burning dawn III Deal 150000 energy damage to player vehicles 10/17/2017 18:50:49 1.42
Burning dawn IV Burning dawn IV Deal 300000 energy damage to player vehicles 10/17/2017 18:50:49 1.49
Burning dawn V Burning dawn V Deal 500000 energy damage to player vehicles 10/17/2017 18:50:49 1.54
Dawn Disciple I Dawn Disciple I Reach reputation level 1 with the Dawn's Children faction 10/18/2017 07:45:18 1.42
Dawn Disciple II Dawn Disciple II Reach reputation level 5 with the Dawn's Children faction 10/18/2017 07:45:18 1.46
Dawn Disciple III Dawn Disciple III Reach reputation level 15 with the Dawn's Children faction 10/18/2017 07:45:18 1.62
Pyromancer I Pyromancer I Reach reputation level 1 with the Firestarters faction 02/12/2018 09:37:25 1.47
Pyromancer II Pyromancer II Reach reputation level 5 with the Firestarters faction 02/12/2018 09:37:26 1.51
Pyromancer III Pyromancer III Reach reputation level 15 with the Firestarters faction 02/12/2018 09:37:26 1.64
Out of the frying pan into the fire I Out of the frying pan into the fire I Reach prestige level 1 with the Firestarters faction 02/12/2018 09:37:26 1.65
Out of the frying pan into the fire II Out of the frying pan into the fire II Reach prestige level 5 with the Firestarters faction 02/12/2018 09:37:26 1.66
Out of the frying pan into the fire III Out of the frying pan into the fire III Reach prestige level 15 with the Firestarters faction 02/12/2018 09:37:26 1.67
Out of the frying pan into the fire IV Out of the frying pan into the fire IV Reach prestige level 25 with the Firestarters faction 02/12/2018 09:37:26 1.67
Militarist I Militarist I Reach reputation level 1 with the Steppenwolfs faction. 02/20/2018 09:04:39 1.40
Militarist II Militarist II Reach reputation level 5 with the Steppenwolfs faction. 02/20/2018 09:04:40 1.43
Militarist III Militarist III Reach reputation level 15 with the Steppenwolfs faction. 02/20/2018 09:04:40 1.64
Shells first Shells first Produce any part with engraved shells 12/27/2018 09:52:25 1.40
Just five more minutes Just five more minutes Complete “Awakening” (all main missions of the “Adventure” mode) 12/27/2018 09:52:25 1.35
Offroad patrol Offroad patrol Complete 100 side missions in “Adventure” mode 12/27/2018 09:52:26 1.66
Offroad patrol Offroad patrol Rummage through 200 trash piles in “Adventure” mode 12/27/2018 09:52:26 1.66
You Can't See Me! You Can't See Me! Destroy all hidden cameras in Blood rocks. 02/28/2019 15:13:29 1.61
Marshal I Marshal I Reach prestige level 1 with the Steppenwolfs faction 06/13/2019 16:21:52 1.72
Marshal II Marshal II Reach prestige level 5 with the Steppenwolfs faction 06/13/2019 16:21:52 1.74
Marshal III Marshal III Reach prestige level 15 with the Steppenwolfs faction 06/13/2019 16:21:52 1.75
Marshal IV Marshal IV Reach prestige level 25 with the Steppenwolfs faction 06/13/2019 16:21:52 1.75
I See the Light I I See the Light I Reach prestige level 1 with the Dawn's Children faction 06/13/2019 16:21:52 1.72
I See the Light II I See the Light II Reach prestige level 5 with the Dawn's Children faction 06/13/2019 16:21:52 1.74
I See the Light III I See the Light III Reach prestige level 15 with the Dawn's Children faction 06/13/2019 16:21:52 1.75
I See the Light IV I See the Light IV Reach prestige level 25 with the Dawn's Children faction 06/13/2019 16:21:53 1.75
King of the hill King of the hill Win three battles in “Battle Royale” 07/14/2019 22:10:46 1.73
Businessman I Businessman I Craft 1 special part 02/07/2020 11:14:19 1.33
Businessman II Businessman II Craft 5 special parts 02/07/2020 11:14:19 1.54
Businessman III Businessman III Craft 12 special parts 02/07/2020 11:14:19 1.66
Businessman IV Businessman IV Craft 20 special parts 02/07/2020 11:14:19 1.71
Special synthesis I Special synthesis I Upgrade 1 special part 02/07/2020 11:14:19 1.72
Special synthesis II Special synthesis II Upgrade 4 special parts 02/07/2020 11:14:19 1.81
Special synthesis III Special synthesis III Upgrade 9 special parts 02/07/2020 11:14:19 1.84
Special synthesis IV Special synthesis IV Upgrade 18 special parts 02/07/2020 11:14:19 1.87

DLCs were last updated on April 05, 2024 at 04:19 AM.

Next automatic update on July 18, 2024 at 03:38 PM.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 4 queries
1333.29 KiB memory usage
20 crawler available

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