]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Dying Light: The Following

Dying Light: The Following


10 achievements worth of 3.48 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
Afraid to get wet? Afraid to get wet? Dive into the Countryside. 01/27/2016 20:17:27 0.01
And you liked him, didn't you? And you liked him, didn't you? Meet your old friend again. 01/27/2016 20:17:29 0.26
I was waiting for you for so long I was waiting for you for so long Become a Faceless. 01/27/2016 20:17:30 0.17
Sweaty palms? Sweaty palms? Kill a Demolisher with a car. 01/27/2016 20:17:31 0.76
It wasn't that hard, was it? It wasn't that hard, was it? Win Bilal's race. 01/27/2016 20:17:32 0.48
What if you picked the other one? What if you picked the other one? Make that call. 01/27/2016 20:17:33 0.28
I felt your presence I felt your presence Witness the Following's meeting. 01/27/2016 20:17:34 0.13
You realize it's only points, don't you? You realize it's only points, don't you? Reach Driver Rank 12. 01/27/2016 20:17:36 0.34
Formidophobic? Interesting… Formidophobic? Interesting… Destroy 50 scarecrows. 01/27/2016 20:17:38 0.74
I don't approve of mindless fun I don't approve of mindless fun Kill 500 zombies with your vehicle. 01/27/2016 20:17:39 0.31

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