]> Achievement Stats » Steam 游戏 » ReignMaker


完成游戏所需平均时间:68.1 小时

123 个成就,价值 164.75 分
成就 描述 获取时间 分值 属性回报
Air Apprentice Air Apprentice You're getting good at that air thing. You've made 10 air matches! 2014-04-17 00:23:03 0.66
Fire Apprentice Fire Apprentice You're getting good at that fire thing. You've made 10 fire matches! 2014-04-17 00:23:03 0.66
Water Apprentice Water Apprentice You're getting good at that water thing. You've made 10 water matches! 2014-04-17 00:23:03 0.66
Earth Apprentice Earth Apprentice You're getting good at that earth thing. You've made 10 earth matches! 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.66
Void Apprentice Void Apprentice Should you be dabbling in that type of magic? You've made 10 void matches! 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.66
Air Novice Air Novice Congratulations! You've gained novice proficiency with air. 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.73
Fire Novice Fire Novice Congratulations! You've gained novice proficiency with fire. 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.73
Water Novice Water Novice Congratulations! You've gained novice proficiency with water. 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.73
Earth Novice Earth Novice Congratulations! You've gained novice proficiency with earth. 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.72
Void Novice Void Novice Dark magic isn't for novices, so be careful! 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.72
Air Journeyman Air Journeyman You've made it pretty far down the journey on the path of air. 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.96
Fire Journeyman Fire Journeyman You've made it pretty far down the journey on the path of fire. 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.96
Earth Journeyman Earth Journeyman You've made it pretty far down the journey on the path of earth. 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.94
Void Journeyman Void Journeyman Avoid the Void! You don't want to keep going down this path. 2014-04-17 00:23:04 0.94
Air Master Air Master Masters of the Universe? Nope, just of air. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.12
Water Journeyman Water Journeyman You've made it pretty far down the journey on the path of water. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 0.96
Fire Master Fire Master Masters of the Universe? Nope, just of fire. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.12
Earth Master Earth Master Masters of the Universe? Nope, just of earth. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.10
Water Master Water Master Masters of the Universe? Nope, just of water. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.12
Void Master Void Master You're now a master of the dark arts. Stupifexpelierminous! 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.11
Air Savant Air Savant Savant, now that's a nifty word, and you totally deserve it in all matters regarding Air. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.51
Fire Savant Fire Savant Savant, now that's a nifty word, and you totally deserve it in all matters regarding Fire. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.50
Water Savant Water Savant Savant, now that's a nifty word, and you totally deserve it in all matters regarding Water. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.51
Earth Savant Earth Savant Savant, now that's a nifty word, and you totally deserve it in all matters regarding Earth. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.50
Void Savant Void Savant Wow. You might have to uninstall before your darkness eats your computer. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.50
Hegemon Hegemon You've just crossed beyond the Threshold of greatness by beating 20 levels! 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.26
Rune Master Rune Master So many runes, so little time. You've truly mastered the the manipulation of runes. 2014-04-17 00:23:05 1.76
Rune Savant Rune Savant You're such a savant that there are no more words to describe your awesomeness. 2014-04-17 00:23:06 2.08
Fire Everything! Fire Everything! Explosions never felt this good. 2014-04-17 00:23:06 1.12
Big Bada Boom Big Bada Boom Your explosions are so big that they can probably be seen from space. 2014-04-17 00:23:06 1.70
Easy Peasy Easy Peasy That wasn't so bad, was it? Good job defending the towers. 2014-04-17 00:23:06 1.86
Middle Man Middle Man Excellent work defending the towers. Here's a lousy award for it. 2014-04-17 00:23:06 1.84
Master of the Tower Master of the Tower We bow to you, the Master of the Tower. 2014-04-17 00:23:06 2.16
Master Beater of the Tower Master Beater of the Tower You are the master of beating towers. 2014-04-17 00:23:06 1.87
Master Beater Forever Master Beater Forever You are an even better master of beating towers. 2014-04-17 00:23:06 2.01
The L Award The L Award It's okay that you lost. It's not like the fate of the world rests on your shoulders. 2014-04-17 00:23:07 0.78
Frobs It All Frobs It All This losing thing, it's getting to be a habit! 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.03
The Frobinator The Frobinator If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all. (You lost again.) 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.22
QQ QQ How did you manage to lose to the Tutor? That's impossible! 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.62
The Mystical Ruler The Mystical Ruler Magic permeates the very fiber of your town. 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.79
The Republic The Republic Power to the people! Well, at least they can vote on it. 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.73
The General The General This is madness! No, this is ReignMaker! 2014-04-17 00:23:07 2.08
Animal Planet Animal Planet Peace and love to all who live in your town. Oh, and a few human sacrifices. 2014-04-17 00:23:07 2.06
Apprentice Healer Apprentice Healer You've healed your tower. 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.53
Journeyman Healer Journeyman Healer Who knew towers needed so much healing? 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.84
Master Healer Master Healer If anyone needs a tower healed, they should come to you, the Master Healer. 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.98
Apprentice Blacksmith Apprentice Blacksmith Congratulations! You learned how to make something. 2014-04-17 00:23:07 0.72
Journeyman Blacksmith Journeyman Blacksmith Congratulations! You learned to make a few things. 2014-04-17 00:23:07 1.11
Expert Blacksmith Expert Blacksmith Wow, you sure do know how to make a lot of things! 2014-04-17 00:23:08 1.49
Master Blacksmith Master Blacksmith You are a master of metal, indeed. You know all the blacksmithing recipes. 2014-04-17 00:23:08 1.60
Apprentice Builder Apprentice Builder This is the house that you built. 2014-04-17 00:23:08 0.76
Journeyman Builder Journeyman Builder Things are starting to look nice around here. 2014-04-17 00:23:08 1.00
Expert Builder Expert Builder This is getting to be a rather splendid place. 2014-04-17 00:23:08 1.45
Master Builder Master Builder Your city is looking mighty snazzy! 2014-04-17 00:23:08 1.69
Tinker Tinker You've definitely perked that smithy up. 2014-04-17 00:23:08 0.85
Master Crafter Master Crafter No finer place to craft has ever been built. 2014-04-17 00:23:08 1.62
Dog Catcher Dog Catcher Discovered your first bestiary card. Gotta get them all! 2014-04-17 00:23:09 0.72
Zookeeper Zookeeper You're starting a rather nice collection there. 2014-04-17 00:23:09 1.24
Monster Lover Monster Lover Beasts! Gobbos! D'orcs! Oh my! 2014-04-17 00:23:09 1.59
Gotta Catch Them All Gotta Catch Them All I choose you and your little dog, too! You've collected 40 bestiary scrolls. 2014-04-17 00:23:09 2.06
Beast Master Beast Master Who knew there were so many creatures? You've got them all! 2014-04-17 00:23:09 2.10
Ding! Ding! You unlocked your first (and now your second) achievement. 2014-04-17 00:23:09 0.65
Ding, Grats! Ding, Grats! You've achieved 10 achievements. What an achievement! 2014-04-17 00:23:10 0.69
Gifted Gifted You've achieved 25 achievements. What an achievement! 2014-04-17 00:23:10 0.89
Very Gifted Very Gifted You've achieved 50 achievements. What an achievement! 2014-04-17 00:23:10 1.25
Achiever Achiever You've achieved 100 achievements. What an achievement! 2014-04-17 00:23:10 1.84
Steam Over-Achiever Steam Over-Achiever Congratulations! You just earned an achievement for earning all the achievements on Steam. 2014-04-17 00:23:10 2.19
Anxiety Attack Anxiety Attack Calm down and take a deep breath! You made three bad moves in a row. 2014-04-17 00:23:10 0.79
Heals, Please! Heals, Please! You hired a healer from your people. 2014-04-17 00:23:10 1.02
Healers, Healers Everywhere Healers, Healers Everywhere You hired some healers to keep things healthy. 2014-04-17 00:23:10 1.25
Heal Me, We Win! Heal Me, We Win! Heals for everyone! You've hired a high priest. 2014-04-17 00:23:11 1.51
Drood Drood Hired a druid from your citizens 2014-04-17 00:23:11 1.29
Droods Droods Holy fluffy bunnies - you got yourself a lot of druids. 2014-04-17 00:23:11 1.40
Many Droods Many Droods Back to nature! You hired an archdruid. 2014-04-17 00:23:11 1.52
Stone Roller Stone Roller You got yourself a stoner, man. 2014-04-17 00:23:11 0.96
Rock and Hard Place Rock and Hard Place You hired a bunch of stoners, and the rocks rained down. 2014-04-17 00:23:11 1.20
Hard Rock Hero Hard Rock Hero Whoaaaah. That's a heaaaavy rock. 2014-04-17 00:23:11 1.43
Point and Click Point and Click You hired an archer. 2014-04-17 00:23:11 0.73
Shoot 'Em Up Shoot 'Em Up You hired some archers, and they're very into pin cushions. 2014-04-17 00:23:11 1.00
Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! You hired not just any archer, but an elite archer! 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.27
Peek-a-boo Peek-a-boo Hired a scout from your citizens. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 0.75
Hide and Seek Hide and Seek Hired a bunch of scouts from your citizens and sent them to the battlefield. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.11
Search and Destroy Search and Destroy Hired a lead scout from your citizens, and watch him scurry around the field. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.44
Watch 'em Go Watch 'em Go Your scouts surely didn't sign up for this! 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.00
Farmers Union Farmers Union Have a the maximum number of farmers allowed. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.63
Whole Lot of Nothing Whole Lot of Nothing Corrupted, schmorrupted. You'll break any runes you can find. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.17
Ice Breaker Ice Breaker Nothing stays frozen around you, you ice breaker! 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.48
Thrifty Thrifty Save those triads for a rainy day. You'll need them. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.45
Triad Pincher Triad Pincher A triad saved is a triad earned. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.70
Miser Miser You need to go swim in your triads today. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.88
Little Spender Little Spender You finally have some buying power. You've spent 5000 triads. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 0.93
Middle Spender Middle Spender Buy, baby, buy! You've spnt 50,000 triads. 2014-04-17 00:23:12 1.32
Big Spenda' Big Spenda' It's only money, right? You've spent 100,000 triads. 2014-04-17 00:23:13 1.41
Gold Digger Gold Digger Digging up triads is your forte. You have collected 1000 triad runes on your board. 2014-04-17 00:23:13 1.34
Team Medic Team Medic You don't need anyone else to heal you. You have used 1000 health runes. 2014-04-17 00:23:13 1.95
Bombastic Bombastic Bombs are your specialty. 2014-04-17 00:23:13 2.12
Mind Reader Mind Reader Let's just take a peek at those thoughts. 2014-04-17 00:23:13 0.86
Psion Psion You must be psychic! 2014-04-17 00:23:13 1.23
Master Psion Master Psion Your citizens know you spy on them with care. 2014-04-17 00:23:13 1.55
Apprentice Becomes the Master Apprentice Becomes the Master You beat the Tutor in the tutorial. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:13 0.65
What a Prick What a Prick You beat the Godgantupine. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:13 0.74
Together at Last Together at Last You beat Thargorina. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:13 0.88
Void the Defeat Void the Defeat You defeated the Obliterator, a servant of the Void. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:13 1.15
Not in Kansas Anymore Not in Kansas Anymore You beat the Wizard whose face is strangely familiar. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.26
Flung The Flinger Flung The Flinger You beat the Elemental Lord, something the Alchemists claimed they did. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.32
Got My Eye on You Got My Eye on You You beat that rolling eyeball known as the Glaring Glancer. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.46
Got Boned Got Boned You beat Bizarre Bones. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.53
So. Many. Pokka. So. Many. Pokka. You beat the Cubicle. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.58
Unchained Melodrama Unchained Melodrama You beat the Obliterati. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.66
Heal OP Heal OP You beat General Mabelrode and saved the world. Congratulations! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.70
Turtoom Mastery Turtoom Mastery You did a good thing in destroying these poor, corrupted creatures. 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.84
Turtoom Boom Boom Turtoom Boom Boom We shall mourn these good turtooms. 2014-04-17 00:23:14 2.10
D'orc Mastery D'orc Mastery Good job in destroying the d'orcs! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.48
Gobbo Mastery Gobbo Mastery The gobbo horde has been contained. 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.32
Strange Creatures Mastery Strange Creatures Mastery Strange creatures? Cute but no cigar! 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.99
Gargantupine Mastery Gargantupine Mastery The gargantupine threat has been contained. 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.64
Void Mastery Void Mastery Avoid the Void. That's definitely a new saying. 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.36
Dragonet Mastery Dragonet Mastery Excellent work in dispersing the crazed dragonets. 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.51
Romel Mastery Romel Mastery Horrid creatures! All romels need to be destroyed. 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.69
Evil Slemor Mastery Evil Slemor Mastery What kind of horrible beings would corrupt slemors? 2014-04-17 00:23:14 1.82
Undead Mastery Undead Mastery Who doesn't like fighting the undead? 2014-04-17 00:23:15 1.46
Glancer Mastery Glancer Mastery Fighting eyeballs? At first you were the pupil, but now you are the master. 2014-04-17 00:23:15 1.46
Gold That Glitters Gold That Glitters Gold flags for every tower? Maybe YOU should be the king! 2014-04-22 22:14:33 1.94

DLC 最后更新时间:2024-08-28 20:50

下次自动更新时间:2024-10-01 19:18

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