]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Outlast: Whistleblower DLC

Outlast: Whistleblower DLC


6 achievements worth of 6.82 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
GAS LEAKER GAS LEAKER Turn off the gas 04/10/2014 22:51:16 0.86
SHOCKER SHOCKER Turn off the electricity 04/10/2014 22:51:16 0.88
WHISTLEBLOWER WHISTLEBLOWER Finish the Whistleblower DLC 04/10/2014 22:51:17 0.91
BOWELWHISTLER BOWELWHISTLER Finish the DLC in Insane mode 04/10/2014 22:51:17 1.44
ARCHIVIST ARCHIVIST Collect all documents 04/10/2014 22:51:17 1.35
LEGACY LEGACY Complete all recordings 04/10/2014 22:51:17 1.38

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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