Winner winner chicken dinner! |
Own 50 chickens in the USA. |
03/24/2023 21:48:43 |
0.66 |
One chicken short of being crazy! |
Own 500 chickens in the USA. |
03/24/2023 21:48:43 |
0.78 |
My chickens make me awesome! |
Own 5000 chickens in the USA. |
03/24/2023 21:48:43 |
1.30 |
Land of the Free! |
Reach 10% milestones in the USA. |
03/24/2023 21:48:44 |
0.81 |
Home of the Brave! |
Reach 50% milestones in the USA. |
03/24/2023 21:48:44 |
1.32 |
The Star-Spangled Banner! |
Reach 100% milestones in the USA. |
03/24/2023 21:48:44 |
1.60 |
One of each, please! |
Unlock all 36 assets in the USA. |
03/24/2023 21:48:44 |
0.90 |
Rice and shine! |
Own 50 rice in China. |
03/24/2023 21:48:44 |
1.55 |
Rice, rice Baby! |
Own 500 rice in China. |
03/24/2023 21:48:44 |
1.55 |
No more Mr. Rice guy! |
Own 5000 rice in China. |
03/24/2023 21:48:44 |
1.80 |
Cha Ching! |
Reach 10% milestones in China. |
03/24/2023 21:48:45 |
1.66 |
Cha Ching! Cha Ching! |
Reach 50% milestones in China. |
03/24/2023 21:48:45 |
1.80 |
Cha Ching! Cha Ching! Cha Ching! |
Reach 100% milestones in China. |
03/24/2023 21:48:45 |
1.80 |
Wong of each, please! |
Unlock all 36 assets in China. |
03/24/2023 21:48:45 |
1.60 |
Joining the Dark Side! |
Own 50 australorps in Australia. |
03/24/2023 21:48:45 |
1.60 |
We have chickens! |
Own 500 australorps in Australia. |
03/24/2023 21:48:45 |
1.60 |
Dark Side chickens! |
Own 5000 australorps in Australia. |
03/24/2023 21:48:45 |
1.72 |
G'Day Mate! |
Reach 10% milestones in Australia. |
03/24/2023 21:48:46 |
1.60 |
Good On Ya! |
Reach 50% milestones in Australia. |
03/24/2023 21:48:46 |
1.72 |
Ya have it all Mate! |
Reach 100% milestones in Australia. |
03/24/2023 21:48:46 |
1.80 |
She’ll be apples! |
Unlock all 36 assets in Australia. |
03/24/2023 21:48:46 |
1.60 |
Cold feet! |
Own 50 penguins in Antarctica. |
03/24/2023 21:48:46 |
1.18 |
March of the Penguins! |
Own 500 penguins in Antarctica. |
03/24/2023 21:48:46 |
1.27 |
The Penguin Empire! |
Own 5000 penguins in Antarctica. |
03/24/2023 21:48:46 |
1.72 |
Gone south! |
Reach 10% milestones in Antarctica. |
03/24/2023 21:48:46 |
1.35 |
Half cold! |
Reach 50% milestones in Antarctica. |
03/24/2023 21:48:47 |
1.80 |
Fully frozen! |
Reach 100% milestones in Antarctica. |
03/24/2023 21:48:47 |
1.80 |
I mapped out Antarctica! |
Unlock all 36 assets in Antarctica. |
03/24/2023 21:48:47 |
1.46 |
To Pig, or Not to Pig! |
Own 50 pigs in Denmark. |
03/24/2023 21:48:47 |
1.50 |
Four legs good, two legs bad! |
Own 500 pigs in Denmark. |
03/24/2023 21:48:47 |
1.55 |
Lean mean, bacon machine! |
Own 5000 pigs in Denmark. |
03/24/2023 21:48:47 |
1.80 |
Just hygge! |
Reach 10% milestones in Denmark. |
03/24/2023 21:48:47 |
1.60 |
Once upon a time! |
Reach 50% milestones in Denmark. |
03/24/2023 21:48:47 |
1.80 |
Happy tax payers! |
Reach 100% milestones in Denmark. |
03/24/2023 21:48:48 |
1.80 |
Master of New Nordic Cuisine! |
Unlock all 36 assets in Denmark. |
03/24/2023 21:48:48 |
1.60 |
I like to move it move it! |
Own 50 ringtailed lemurs in Madagascar. |
03/24/2023 21:48:48 |
1.42 |
Shake 'em! Shake 'em! Shake 'em! |
Own 500 ringtailed lemurs in Madagascar. |
03/24/2023 21:48:48 |
1.55 |
I'm The King of Lemurs! |
Own 5000 ringtailed lemurs in Madagascar. |
03/24/2023 21:48:48 |
1.80 |
Welcome to Madagascar! |
Reach 10% milestones in Madagascar. |
03/24/2023 21:48:48 |
1.55 |
I'm crack-a-lackin'! |
Reach 50% milestones in Madagascar. |
03/24/2023 21:48:48 |
1.80 |
Nature! It's all over me! |
Reach 100% milestones in Madagascar. |
03/24/2023 21:48:48 |
1.80 |
What kind of zoo is this?! |
Unlock all 36 assets in Madagascar. |
03/24/2023 21:48:49 |
1.60 |
My special salmon! |
Own 50 salmon in Norway. |
03/24/2023 21:48:49 |
1.32 |
Salmon I used to know! |
Own 500 salmon in Norway. |
03/24/2023 21:48:49 |
1.42 |
There's salmon for everyone! |
Own 5000 salmon in Norway. |
03/24/2023 21:48:49 |
1.80 |
I have Lofoten goals! |
Reach 10% milestones in Norway. |
03/24/2023 21:48:49 |
1.46 |
Oil buy it all! |
Reach 50% milestones in Norway. |
03/24/2023 21:48:49 |
1.80 |
I really could a fjord it! |
Reach 100% milestones in Norway. |
03/24/2023 21:48:49 |
1.80 |
Take on me! Take me on! |
Unlock all 36 assets in Norway. |
03/24/2023 21:48:49 |
1.50 |
It wool be fine! |
Own 50 alpaca in Peru. |
08/04/2023 02:02:20 |
1.66 |
The alpacalgorithm! |
Own 500 alpaca in Peru. |
08/04/2023 02:02:20 |
1.72 |
Alpacalypse! |
Own 5000 alpaca in Peru. |
08/04/2023 02:02:20 |
2.02 |
Such a llama queen! |
Reach 10% milestones in Peru. |
08/04/2023 02:02:20 |
1.72 |
No prob-llama! |
Reach 50% milestones in Peru. |
08/04/2023 02:02:21 |
2.02 |
Llamageddon! |
Reach 100% milestones in Peru. |
08/04/2023 02:02:21 |
2.02 |
All's Wool That Ends Wool! |
Unlock all 36 assets in Peru. |
08/04/2023 02:02:21 |
1.72 |
Lund me some money! |
Own 50 Elks in Sweden |
02/12/2024 12:57:40 |
2.50 |
Things are looking Uppsala! |
Own 500 Elks in Sweden |
02/12/2024 12:57:40 |
2.50 |
Pretty Swede views! |
Own 3000 Elks in Sweden. |
02/12/2024 12:57:40 |
2.50 |
IKEA-n’t even! |
Reach 10% milestones in Sweden. |
02/12/2024 12:57:41 |
2.50 |
Hear me Aurora! |
Reach 50% milestones in Sweden. |
02/12/2024 12:57:41 |
2.50 |
ABBA-lutely wonderful! |
Reach 100% milestones in Sweden. |
02/12/2024 12:57:41 |
2.50 |
What a Nobel goal! |
Unlock all 36 assets in Sweden. |
02/12/2024 12:57:42 |
2.50 |
Oil I think about! |
Own 50 Olives in Italy |
09/25/2024 10:34:16 |
0.00 |
Olive, laugh, love! |
Own 500 Olives in Italy |
09/25/2024 10:34:16 |
0.00 |
Olive for the applause! |
Own 5000 Olives in Italy |
09/25/2024 10:34:17 |
0.00 |
That’s amore! |
Reach 10% milestones in Italy. |
09/25/2024 10:34:17 |
0.00 |
Feeling vine today! |
Reach 50% milestones in Italy. |
09/25/2024 10:34:17 |
0.00 |
Make it Rome-antic! |
Reach 100% milestones in Italy. |
09/25/2024 10:34:17 |
0.00 |
Pasta la vista, baby! |
Unlock all 36 assets in Italy. |
09/25/2024 10:34:17 |
0.00 |