]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Midnight Dash

Midnight Dash

0.2 average hours needed for completion.

17 achievements worth of 32.31 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
DASH! DASH! You used dash for the first time! 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.79
WAHOO! WAHOO! You found Tea Shop's secret house! 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
DASH UNLOCKED! DASH UNLOCKED! You unlocked a new ability Dash! 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.79
SKIPPING THE GAME?! SKIPPING THE GAME?! Secret way to skip some parts of the level! 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
SECRET GEM SECRET GEM Magical secret gem that follows you? I wonder what it does? 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
SECRET ROOM SECRET ROOM You found what the secret gem does! 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
SECRET SHOP SECRET SHOP You found a secret shop that doesn't sell anything... 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
DEFEAT PERRIGWYN DEFEAT PERRIGWYN You defeated Perrigwyn! 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
what what yeah.. you found my testing room.. 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
DEFEAT DILKI DEFEAT DILKI You defeated Dilki! 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
ESCAPE DUNREY ESCAPE DUNREY You managed some how to escape from Dunrey.. wow... that was scary! 01/10/2023 04:43:08 1.87
NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE Complete Nightmare bonus level! 01/10/2023 04:43:09 1.87
NIGHTMARE BOSS NIGHTMARE BOSS Defeat Grimm in Nightmare bonus level! 01/10/2023 04:43:09 1.87
DEFEAT GOD DEFEAT GOD Hey cratz you defeated God..? 01/10/2023 04:43:09 1.87
TALK TO CASTIEL TALK TO CASTIEL I see you talked to Cass.. i wonder who Dean is? 01/10/2023 04:43:09 1.87
PERRIGWYN'S CASTLE? PERRIGWYN'S CASTLE? Complete Perrigwyn's bonus level..? 01/10/2023 04:43:09 1.87
PLAY CO-OP PLAY CO-OP You have friends? 02/12/2024 12:31:43 2.56

DLCs were last updated on April 06, 2024 at 01:22 PM.

Next automatic update on July 18, 2024 at 04:59 PM.

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