]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Disfigure



20.7 average hours needed for completion.

39 achievements worth of 62.12 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
SHOTGUN UNLOCKED SHOTGUN UNLOCKED Unlocked the shotgun! 08/07/2023 02:44:23 0.92
SNIPER UNLOCKED SNIPER UNLOCKED Unlocked the sniper! 08/07/2023 02:44:23 0.97
KNIFE UNLOCKED KNIFE UNLOCKED Unlocked the knife! 08/07/2023 02:44:23 0.99
TWIN KATANAS UNLOCKED TWIN KATANAS UNLOCKED Unlocked the twin katanas! 08/07/2023 02:44:23 0.90
GREATSWORD UNLOCKED GREATSWORD UNLOCKED Unlocked the greatsword! 08/07/2023 02:44:24 0.94
SCYTHE UNLOCKED SCYTHE UNLOCKED Unlocked the boomerang scythe! 08/07/2023 02:44:24 0.97
LEVER-ACTION RIFLE UNLOCKED LEVER-ACTION RIFLE UNLOCKED Unlocked the lever-action rifle! 08/07/2023 02:44:24 1.01
BURST RIFLE UNLOCKED BURST RIFLE UNLOCKED Unlocked the burst rifle! 08/07/2023 02:44:24 1.00
MINIGUN UNLOCKED MINIGUN UNLOCKED Unlocked the minigun! 08/07/2023 02:44:24 0.84
1 MILLION 1 MILLION Reach a score of 1,000,000! 08/07/2023 02:44:24 1.03
2 MILLION 2 MILLION Reach a score of 2,000,000! 08/07/2023 02:44:24 1.24
MAP 1 EXPERT MAP 1 EXPERT Complete the first map on hard mode. 08/07/2023 02:44:24 1.15
PISTOL EXPERT PISTOL EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the pistol. 08/07/2023 02:44:24 1.51
SHOTGUN EXPERT SHOTGUN EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the shotgun. 08/07/2023 02:44:25 1.56
SNIPER EXPERT SNIPER EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the sniper. 08/07/2023 02:44:25 1.64
KNIFE EXPERT KNIFE EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the knife. 08/07/2023 02:44:25 1.61
TWIN KATANAS EXPERT TWIN KATANAS EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the twin katanas. 08/07/2023 02:44:25 1.57
GREATSWORD EXPERT GREATSWORD EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the greatsword. 08/07/2023 02:44:25 1.57
SCYTHE EXPERT SCYTHE EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the boomerang scythe. 08/07/2023 02:44:25 1.44
LEVER-ACTION RIFLE EXPERT LEVER-ACTION RIFLE EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the lever-action rifle. 08/07/2023 02:44:25 1.67
BURST RIFLE EXPERT BURST RIFLE EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the burst rifle. 08/07/2023 02:44:25 1.56
MINIGUN EXPERT MINIGUN EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the minigun. 08/07/2023 02:44:26 1.36
3 MILLION 3 MILLION Reach a score of 3,000,000! 08/07/2023 02:44:26 1.44
OPHIDIAN OPHIDIAN Complete the second map on hard mode. 01/01/2024 05:06:28 1.68
HANDCANNON EXPERT HANDCANNON EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the handcannon. 01/22/2024 20:30:38 1.78
HANDCANNON UNLOCKED HANDCANNON UNLOCKED Unlocked the handcannon! 02/29/2024 01:07:56 1.47
SAW LAUNCHER UNLOCKED SAW LAUNCHER UNLOCKED Unlocked the saw launcher! 02/29/2024 01:07:56 1.51
SAW LAUNCHER EXPERT SAW LAUNCHER EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the saw launcher. 02/29/2024 01:07:56 2.12
MAP 2 UNLOCKED MAP 2 UNLOCKED Unlock Map 2 by completing Map 1 on any difficulty. 04/09/2024 06:40:07 1.59
RAILGUN UNLOCKED RAILGUN UNLOCKED Unlocked the railgun! 04/13/2024 05:31:59 1.62
RAILGUN EXPERT RAILGUN EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the railgun. 04/13/2024 05:32:00 2.04
AKIMBO SMGS EXPERT AKIMBO SMGS EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the Akimbo SMGs. 06/29/2024 11:24:16 2.19
AKIMBO SMGS UNLOCKED AKIMBO SMGS UNLOCKED Unlocked the Akimbo SMGs! 06/29/2024 11:24:17 1.84
BATTLE AXE UNLOCKED BATTLE AXE UNLOCKED Unlocked the Battle Axe! 09/28/2024 03:09:54 2.19
BATTLE AXE EXPERT BATTLE AXE EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the battle axe. 09/28/2024 03:09:54 2.57
PULSE RIFLE UNLOCKED PULSE RIFLE UNLOCKED Unlocked the Pulse Rifle! 11/15/2024 06:40:58 2.37
PULSE RIFLE EXPERT PULSE RIFLE EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the pulse rifle. 11/15/2024 06:40:58 2.49
GAUSS KATANA UNLOCKED GAUSS KATANA UNLOCKED Unlocked the Gauss Katana! 01/03/2025 02:15:23 2.79
GAUSS KATANA EXPERT GAUSS KATANA EXPERT Complete the game on hard mode using the gauss katana. 01/03/2025 02:15:23 2.97

DLCs were last updated on January 04, 2025 at 03:16 AM.

Next automatic update on February 23, 2025 at 04:39 AM.

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