]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Saiko no sutoka

Saiko no sutoka

14.0 average hours needed for completion.

30 achievements worth of 28.96 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
Headless survivor Headless survivor Get a bad ending in normal or hard mode 03/23/2021 21:11:58 0.85
Escaped! Escaped! Get a good ending in normal or hard mode 03/23/2021 21:11:58 0.59
Saiko Survivor Saiko Survivor Get a good ending in yangire mode 03/23/2021 21:11:58 1.35
Yeet! Yeet! Get a bad ending in yangire mode 03/23/2021 21:11:58 1.31
Unscathed Unscathed Get a good ending in hard mode without taking any damage 03/23/2021 21:11:59 1.30
Saiko Speedster Saiko Speedster Get a good ending in hard mode within 5 minutes 03/23/2021 21:11:59 1.45
Kid mode Kid mode Steal key from yangire and escape 03/23/2021 21:11:59 1.20
Immortal Senpai Immortal Senpai Get a good ending in yangire mode without taking any damage 03/23/2021 21:11:59 1.51
First time huh? First time huh? Gets killed by saiko for the first time. 03/23/2021 21:11:59 0.20
Get Poisoned Get Poisoned Gets poisoned by saiko in normal or hard mode. 03/23/2021 21:11:59 0.55
Sleepy! Sleepy! Get drugged by saiko. 03/23/2021 21:11:59 0.33
You became a jumpscare You became a jumpscare Get bad ending in yandere mode 03/23/2021 21:11:59 0.39
You changed the future You changed the future Get a good ending in yandere mode 03/23/2021 21:11:59 0.86
You are not suppose to die like that You are not suppose to die like that Gets killed by saiko inside the kitchen after she lures player 03/23/2021 21:12:00 0.65
You coughed and died You coughed and died Get gassed by saiko trap or bottle toss and die! 03/23/2021 21:12:00 0.37
Escaped again Escaped again Get Best Ending in normal or hard mode. 10/22/2021 14:23:16 1.02
Be nice Be nice dont let saiko turn into yangire state and escape in hard mode. 10/22/2021 14:23:16 1.30
Two pieces Two pieces Get bad ending in extreme yangire mode. 10/22/2021 14:23:16 1.20
Stop looking! Stop looking! killed by saiko while being in pervert position. 10/22/2021 14:23:16 0.83
You are preserved! You are preserved! Get a good ending in extreme yangire mode. 10/22/2021 14:23:16 1.16
You are lucky You are lucky Get spared by saiko by winning against rps on her last chance and escape. 10/22/2021 14:23:16 1.16
You waited You waited Wait for saiko at the start of the office. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 0.38
You dont need those You dont need those complete hard yangire mode without using any items that protects player from saiko. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 1.59
Why did you wake me? Why did you wake me? wake saiko up from sleep by making noise. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 0.78
Complete diary Complete diary Collect all pages of saiko diary and get best ending on hard mode. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 1.12
Calm down Calm down Successfully calm down saiko while she is switching into yangire. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 0.54
You wanna play game? You wanna play game? win game of death by winning against saiko in rock paper scissor while she gives you the last chance. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 0.70
Exorcism Exorcism defeat yangire saiko by forcing it to flee using bunny pages. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 1.58
God of RNG God of RNG Get a no damage good ending on hard extreme mode. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 1.70
You got knifed You got knifed killed by saiko while she fake tells the code. 10/22/2021 14:23:17 1.00

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