]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered » No Bullying in the Halls!

No Bullying in the Halls! No Bullying in the Halls! No Bullying in the Halls!
Have Principal of the Thing send It's a Bully to detention!
(1.05 points)

Rank Name Unlocked
1 TylertheTyrrific 10/22/2022 02:56:31
2 Rivu 10/22/2022 18:12:21
3 хитрый шпиен 10/22/2022 19:33:58
4 tug 10/23/2022 02:10:06
5 WYLDKATSFM 10/23/2022 02:26:55
6 heaven 10/23/2022 05:10:01
7 Plucky☆Star 10/23/2022 05:40:05
8 Weeb_of_metal 10/23/2022 12:22:32
9 p00p 10/23/2022 15:10:46
10 Jimushi 10/23/2022 16:22:09
11 Android 10/23/2022 16:37:50
12 Churrasqueira Controle Remoto 10/23/2022 18:04:36
13 Jazen (Hi) 10/23/2022 18:38:38
14 Db9B0Jl_Bo_IIJloTu 10/23/2022 19:27:44
15 CANCAO 10/23/2022 19:46:12
16 _SeriousSNick_ 10/23/2022 19:51:12
17 Rexen² 10/23/2022 23:24:44
18 i,luv-puddin 10/24/2022 02:07:21
19 nato 10/24/2022 02:10:54
20 blakepizza 10/24/2022 02:25:53
21 patakapata 10/24/2022 02:42:00
22 Kifari 10/24/2022 10:59:55
23 Maksibony 10/25/2022 13:29:16
24 RileyWolf8 10/25/2022 17:15:23
25 DavidMinnt 10/25/2022 17:46:24
26 Thomas Jefferson 10/26/2022 00:07:36
27 Alone Wolfie 10/26/2022 15:01:58
28 Vuelita-Kun™ 10/27/2022 02:55:13
29 NessQJaRus 10/27/2022 15:15:19
30 Электромонтер 10/27/2022 18:58:14
31 twitch.tv/Aflito_ 10/27/2022 22:40:09
32 JustAnOreo 10/29/2022 02:26:33
33 XEngiNeerG4mingX 10/29/2022 07:23:37
34 Family guy funny moments 10/29/2022 14:46:27
35 Olwtelet 10/29/2022 20:34:31
36 PindaKikker 10/30/2022 09:53:49
37 -ˏˋCoDΞXˎˊ- 10/30/2022 12:48:57
38 Aaron - A 10/30/2022 18:43:51
39 Riotide 10/30/2022 21:02:24
40 Dr. DoWnStAiRs 11/01/2022 12:52:55
41 Lucky56 11/01/2022 18:47:10
42 Pururi 11/01/2022 22:20:01
43 geg dier 11/01/2022 23:31:41
44 xenoly 11/02/2022 00:58:05
45 8bit 11/02/2022 01:17:29
46 Seqymenoth 11/02/2022 12:51:32
47 PaZz😎TRADING KNIVES & GLOVES 11/02/2022 14:16:43
48 Nevrodia 11/02/2022 15:19:40
49 Skeptical Swordsman 11/02/2022 16:20:08
50 SonicSoapyBoi 11/03/2022 09:43:48

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