]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » 112 Operator » Tactical Squad Service Medal

Tactical Squad Service Medal Tactical Squad Service Medal Tactical Squad Service Medal
Awarded for using 3 units with firearms to deal with a firearms incident.
(1.16 points)

Rank Name Unlocked
1 Captain N 03/21/2020 03:39:14
2 Vanillabear89 03/21/2020 18:32:36
3 Bud-Muecke 03/28/2020 16:21:06
4 ReV0LT 03/31/2020 01:45:50
5 Emuke 04/06/2020 22:46:40
6 11Kaito11 04/10/2020 22:33:17
7 Timx 04/14/2020 23:57:12
8 RBlackbird 04/15/2020 04:24:21
9 Papu 04/18/2020 12:40:40
10 Bread 04/21/2020 02:48:52
11 Penguin 04/23/2020 15:48:30
12 人类一败涂地 04/23/2020 17:04:21
13 zoomed patrick mahomes 04/23/2020 17:05:51
14 Infin-Vec 04/23/2020 18:27:56
15 LepcisMagna 04/23/2020 19:10:12
16 IceKube 04/23/2020 19:20:40
17 juanjogonzalezchacon 04/23/2020 20:38:30
18 Wolf 04/23/2020 21:12:56
19 Pip 04/23/2020 21:13:17
20 ಠ_ಠ Exil 04/23/2020 21:39:26
21 krzysioll 04/23/2020 21:41:00
22 Ledoni 04/23/2020 22:02:33
23 Mitts 04/23/2020 23:07:15
24 Baki 04/23/2020 23:31:06
25 ShepmaN 04/24/2020 00:17:09
26 DoomDutch 04/24/2020 01:03:33
27 Eagle Scout 04/24/2020 02:51:38
28 LockDown 04/24/2020 04:13:32
29 Pw57 04/24/2020 05:43:00
30 sergemeow 04/24/2020 09:06:49
31 VitoStippkow 04/24/2020 15:19:40
32 _l0n3_w0lf 04/24/2020 16:21:37
33 ipo 04/24/2020 16:51:38
34 YEEBZ 04/24/2020 16:55:33
35 TryphonX 04/24/2020 17:27:45
36 热爱91°F的你 04/24/2020 18:19:05
37 Wete 04/24/2020 18:30:05
38 SamTDS 04/24/2020 19:03:44
39 Krzysiu Jarzyna 04/24/2020 19:12:49
40 Telist 04/24/2020 20:20:18
41 tomgreep 04/24/2020 20:24:23
42 51alpha 04/24/2020 20:27:31
43 Buch 04/24/2020 22:14:04
44 Diablos 04/24/2020 22:33:00
45 werist 04/24/2020 22:53:16
46 Ambrivian 04/25/2020 00:40:27
47 Sacrifice 04/25/2020 05:04:19
48 Kura_VII 04/25/2020 05:17:56
49 TheMrTomatoMan 04/25/2020 05:48:06
50 iForgor 04/25/2020 06:34:33

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