]> Achievement Stats » Profiles » LiKNH3 » Unlocking history » Dying Light: The Following

Unlocking history of LiKNH3 for Dying Light: The Following RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
I was waiting for you for so long I was waiting for you for so long 0.17 10/01/2023 15:10:42
Become a Faceless.

Locked achievements

Game Achievement Points
Afraid to get wet? Afraid to get wet? 0.01
Dive into the Countryside.
And you liked him, didn't you? And you liked him, didn't you? 0.26
Meet your old friend again.
Sweaty palms? Sweaty palms? 0.76
Kill a Demolisher with a car.
It wasn't that hard, was it? It wasn't that hard, was it? 0.48
Win Bilal's race.
What if you picked the other one? What if you picked the other one? 0.28
Make that call.
I felt your presence I felt your presence 0.13
Witness the Following's meeting.
You realize it's only points, don't you? You realize it's only points, don't you? 0.34
Reach Driver Rank 12.
Formidophobic? Interesting… Formidophobic? Interesting… 0.74
Destroy 50 scarecrows.
I don't approve of mindless fun I don't approve of mindless fun 0.31
Kill 500 zombies with your vehicle.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 3 queries
921.70 KiB memory usage
20 crawler available

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