]> Achievement Stats » Profiles » LiKNH3 » Unlocking history » Return to campus

Unlocking history of LiKNH3 for Return to campus RSS feed

4.7 hours playing time on record

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
Born as a rich child Born as a rich child 0.88 02/10/2025 07:34:52
Choose wealthy families to play
King of the Marathon King of the Marathon 0.88 02/10/2025 07:04:00
Endurance to full stars
The first pot of gold The first pot of gold 0.88 02/09/2025 09:24:44
Possess 100,000 money
Betrayer Betrayer 0.58 02/09/2025 09:02:13
Stealing Blackie's computer
Sworn brothers Sworn brothers 0.88 02/09/2025 03:50:00
Everyone else has an agenda, but you're the purest.
Thief Thief 0.88 02/08/2025 14:53:55
Stealing things and reselling them
Good and evil have their rewards. Good and evil have their rewards. 0.70 02/08/2025 14:52:35
When you look long into an abyss,the abyss looks into you
Messenger of Justice Messenger of Justice 0.70 02/08/2025 14:50:05
Record the video of the Dean of Students
Jail Jail 0.58 02/08/2025 14:31:22
Caught in jail
School bullying School bullying 0.58 02/08/2025 14:25:14
Encounter a toilet incident
The end of the construction site The end of the construction site 0.58 02/08/2025 14:19:42
Expelled from school, how to be taken to the construction site by my father
Fast customs clearance Fast customs clearance 0.58 02/08/2025 14:19:42
Unlock the expulsion ending on day one
Wastrel Wastrel 0.58 02/08/2025 14:17:02
Take everything in the house
Born in poverty Born in poverty 0.58 02/08/2025 14:10:54
Choose a family with poor children to play

Locked achievements

Game Achievement Points
Landowner Landowner 1.18
Own your own property
Owners Owners 1.18
Own your own car
Basketball star Basketball star 1.18
No. 1 in the number of shots
Football star Football star 1.18
Scored the first number of soccer balls
Brave Brave 1.18
Complete the horror game
Wise man Wise man 1.18
Clear the puzzle game
Aviator Aviator 1.18
Got his own helicopter.
Millionaire Millionaire 1.18
With millions in cash
One-Punch Man One-Punch Man 1.18
Strength to full stars
A man like the wind. A man like the wind. 1.18
Agility to full stars
the Chosen One the Chosen One 1.18
Physical fitness to full stars
Pay more Pay more 1.18
My brother will have to pay extra.
tricked tricked 1.18
He's been swindled out of 300,000 dollars.
Legendary captain Legendary captain 1.18
Helicopter from school to city

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