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Unlocking history of LiKNH3 for POSTAL RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points
And so it begins... And so it begins... 0.60
Make your first kill.
Oh, you press F1! Oh, you press F1! 0.89
Start the second level.
Dirty knees Dirty knees 1.03
Duck under a rocket.
Forrest Gump Forrest Gump 0.85
Run for 5 minutes.
How Kevorkian! How Kevorkian! 0.86
Perform your first execution.
Patrick Bateman Patrick Bateman 0.83
Make 100 kills.
Dexter Dexter 1.26
Make 1000 kills.
Mickey and Mallory Mickey and Mallory 1.60
Make 10000 kills.
Half-mast hard-on Half-mast hard-on 1.26
Complete level 10.
Get a girlfriend Get a girlfriend 1.31
Complete the game.
Bulletstorm Bulletstorm 1.61
Fire 1,000,000 bullets.
Peter North would be proud Peter North would be proud 1.60
Hit 100,000 targets.
Holes is holes Holes is holes 1.54
Take 10,000 hits.
Z for Zachariah Z for Zachariah 1.43
Complete the game having killed everything.
Boondock Saint Boondock Saint 1.57
Complete the game without letting any non-hostile NPCs die
I swear, the AR is for hunting! I swear, the AR is for hunting! 1.50
Complete the game using only the M16.
Army of One Army of One 1.41
Use every weapon in the game.
From my cold, dead hands From my cold, dead hands 1.19
Complete a level with less than 10 health.
NOPE! Chuck Testa. NOPE! Chuck Testa. 1.23
Fight an ostrich.
You want our autograph too? You want our autograph too? 1.26
Watch all the credits.
Ballmer Baller Ballmer Baller 1.38
Play the Mac or Linux version of the game.
The Hell's Fargo Wagon The Hell's Fargo Wagon 1.11
Firebomb the band.
Took a banger in the mouth Took a banger in the mouth 0.63
Take a rocket to the face.
Never nude-ist Never nude-ist 1.37
Kill a naked person.
Sissy Sissy 1.27
Enable cheats.
I'm afraid I just blue myself! I'm afraid I just blue myself! 0.84
Commit suicide.
Bad touch! Bad touch! 0.91
Touch someone while burning.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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