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Unlocking history of LiKNH3 for Cave Crawlers RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points
Shrine Surfer Shrine Surfer 1.27
Activate 5 Ancient Shrines.
Explosive Meal Explosive Meal 2.07
Get a Mimic to swallow a bomb.
Samurai Samurai 1.66
Slice through a projectile with your weapon and break it.
Don’t Crawl At Night Don’t Crawl At Night 1.13
Run out of light in a torch.
Crate Bane Crate Bane 1.18
Break 100 crates.
Charrrrrrge! Charrrrrrge! 2.01
Slay 50 mobs using dash.
Prestigious Prestigious 1.91
Prestige at least once.
I’m Movin' Different I’m Movin' Different 2.13
Defeat the Crystal Goliath without taking damage.
Boo! Boo! 1.40
Remove the Cursed Blade from the stone.
Lone Wolf Lone Wolf 1.74
Go down over 50 meters from the nearest player.
Strike! Strike! 1.83
Blow up 3 boxes at once using a bomb.
No Pals, No Problem! No Pals, No Problem! 2.07
Defeat a boss with one heart remaining while all other players are downed or dead. Can not be done solo.
The Whole Squad The Whole Squad 2.21
Play with the max amount of players.
That Didn’t Work Out... That Didn’t Work Out... 2.21
No description.
Blood for Blood Blood for Blood 2.21
Revive a player at a Ritual Altar by sacrificing yourself.
Lost Cache Lost Cache 1.74
Complete the "Lost Cache" task.
Tier 2 Crawler Tier 2 Crawler 2.01
Defeat the Crystal Goliath on Normal mode or higher.
Tier 1 Crawler Tier 1 Crawler 1.76
Defeat the Crimson Slosh on Normal mode or higher.
Bombastic! Bombastic! 1.59
Win a round in the Bombastic game mode.
Mystic Misdemeanor Mystic Misdemeanor 1.55
Slay a Goblin Shaman.
Beastmaster Beastmaster 1.53
Discover every mob in the bestiary (excludes hidden mobs).
Tier 1.5 Crawler Tier 1.5 Crawler 2.31
Defeat the Crimson Slosh on Hard mode or higher.
Loot Goblin Loot Goblin 2.21
Open 150 chests.
I Let the Archangels Take ‘Em I Let the Archangels Take ‘Em 2.31
Kill a boss while all players are dead.
Tier 2.5 Crawler Tier 2.5 Crawler 2.61
Defeat the Crystal Goliath on Hard mode or higher.
Tier 3 Crawler Tier 3 Crawler 2.61
Defeat Volacno on Normal mode or higher.
Tier 3.5 Crawler Tier 3.5 Crawler 2.61
Defeat Volacno on Hard mode or higher.
Imposter! Imposter! 2.61
Slay a Mimic.
Flint Eastwood Flint Eastwood 2.61
Strike flint and steel 31 times in a single run.
Hold My Bandage Hold My Bandage 2.61
Take damage 15 times with a bandage buff active.
Punching Bag Punching Bag 2.61
Take 50 damage in a single run.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 4 queries
942.40 KiB memory usage
20 crawler available

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