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Unlocking history of LiKNH3 for Dirge RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points
Competent Shot Competent Shot 1.40
Deal 1,000 Damage
Dead Eye Dead Eye 1.64
Deal 10,000 Damage
That Looks Serious That Looks Serious 1.61
Heal 1,000 Damage
Medic Medic 1.68
Heal 10,000 Damage
Your Leg's Off! Your Leg's Off! 1.51
Take 1,000 Damage
Pepsi Pepsi 1.68
Take 10,000 Damage
Early Bird Early Bird 1.68
Back the Project Early
Back You Fiend! Back You Fiend! 1.38
Banish the Wraith back to the shadow realm.
Case of the Revenant Case of the Revenant 1.54
Defeat the Revenant
Case of the Wraith Case of the Wraith 1.68
Defeat the Wraith
You Know Nothing You Know Nothing 1.64
Kill a Developer of the Game
Let The Games Begin Let The Games Begin 1.12
Complete Your First Game
Leave No Survivor Leave No Survivor 1.44
Kill All Investigators
Battery Bank Battery Bank 1.68
Acquire 100 Batteries
Key Curator Key Curator 1.68
Pickup 100 Keys
Key Accumulator Key Accumulator 1.68
Pickup 250 Keys
Mr Hanks' Tank Mr Hanks' Tank 1.36
Acquire the M1911
Lock Stock n... Lock Stock n... 1.42
Acquire the Double Barrel Shotgun
It's a Shame It's a Shame 1.32
Acquire the Pump Shotgun
Chicago Typewriter Chicago Typewriter 1.38
Acquire the Thompson Submachine Gun
Have a Pint and Wait for this to Blow Over Have a Pint and Wait for this to Blow Over 1.38
Acquire the Winchester Rifle
Archaeologist Archaeologist 1.54
Find the hidden chest and recover the bone.
Soondigo Soondigo 1.54
Hunt down and slay the wendigo.
Light Bringer Light Bringer 1.54
Light the candles in the shrine.
Night Bringer Night Bringer 1.54
Use water to put out the fireplace.
The Merovingian The Merovingian 1.68
Unlock 100 doors, drawers, or chests.
The Keymaker The Keymaker 1.68
Unlock 500 doors, drawers, or chests.
Did You Get a Little Boo Boo? Did You Get a Little Boo Boo? 1.36
Heal Yourself with Bandages
Doped Doped 1.38
Heal Yourself with Pills
Long Term Complications Long Term Complications 1.46
Heal Yourself with a Syringe
Sting Like a Bee Sting Like a Bee 1.51
Win any game as Avery
Helsing Helsing 1.51
Win any game as Hans
New Leaf New Leaf 1.44
Win any game as James
Salad Fingers Salad Fingers 1.54
Win any game as the Revenant
Night Man... AAaaaA Night Man... AAaaaA 1.44
Win any game as the Wraith
Final Exam Final Exam 1.51
Complete the investigator tutorial.
Always... Always... 1.46
Kill another investigator.
Whoops Whoops 1.54
Kill yourself.
The Old Man The Old Man 1.51
Win any game as Vince
Chrono Trigger Chrono Trigger 1.68
Kill Chrono2055, the og Dirge streamer.
Offer to the Porcelain Throne Offer to the Porcelain Throne 1.38
You just couldn't hold it in any longer could you...
Get out of my Laboratory! Get out of my Laboratory! 1.51
Stop the abominable perversion of scientific progress.
Not Your Luger Not Your Luger 1.40
Acquire the Walther P38
Bolt Lock Bolt Lock 1.44
Acquire the Karabiner 98
Acquire the MP40
Into the Breach Into the Breach 1.54
Acquire the Sawed Off Shotgun
Fruit of the Tomb Fruit of the Tomb 1.64
Eat a fruit inside the crypt.
Battery Bunny Battery Bunny 1.68
Use 10 batteries in a single match.
I Can Taste Colors! I Can Taste Colors! 1.68
Use a bottle of pills, a syringe, and Pervitin in a single match.
Who Needs Trigger Discipline? Who Needs Trigger Discipline? 1.64
Shoot a full magazine from the Tommy Gun without letting go of the trigger.
How Many of Those Do You HAVE! How Many of Those Do You HAVE! 1.68
Be banished 10 times by a single player in a single match.
First Action Hero First Action Hero 1.68
Acquire and fire every gun in a single match.
It's not even real money... It's not even real money... 1.68
Kill someone with this achievement or kill Bitcoin because you believe in fiat currency.
Touch the Butt Touch the Butt 1.68
Kill someone with this achievement or kill Manoleeto because you hate art.
A Fluffing Good Time A Fluffing Good Time 1.61
Kill someone with this achievement or kill Fluffy because you don't like awesome people.
Commercial Break! Commercial Break! 1.57
Kill a content creator, which you probably stream sniped.
Until the End Until the End 1.38
Survive Hillview Manor.
Not Your Lorax Not Your Lorax 1.51
Banish the corruption of the wood.
Demons Faced Demons Faced 1.68
Win any game as Kiyoshi
One Night at Camp One Night at Camp 1.42
Survive the Quetico Forest.
La Victoire La Victoire 1.61
Win any game as Diana
Spot of Tea? Spot of Tea? 1.68
A particularly salty brew...
Walk It Off Walk It Off 1.61
Use a medpack.
Temporary Satisfaction Temporary Satisfaction 1.64
Win a game as the Wendigo.
The Case of the Wendigo The Case of the Wendigo 1.61
Defeat the Wendigo.
Sol de Mayo Sol de Mayo 1.68
Win any game as Camila
Gun in the West Gun in the West 1.68
Win any game as Bonnie
The City that Never Screams The City that Never Screams 1.61
Survive City of Wakefield.
Such a Shock! Such a Shock! 1.68
Destroy the tesla coil.
Faster Than Stoiss Faster Than Stoiss 2.02
Speedrun Wakefield in under 13:15 on “Death Wish”
Stolen Valor Stolen Valor 2.24
Return honor and dignity to the veteran.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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