]> Achievement Stats » Profiles » [TW]jerrygo暉 » Unlocking history » Age of History II

Unlocking history of [TW]jerrygo暉 for Age of History II RSS feed

58.2 hours playing time on record

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
Conspiracy Conspiracy 0.50 09/19/2024 15:22:03
Create union
Feudal fragmentation Feudal fragmentation 0.87 09/19/2024 12:27:11
Create 20 vassals
To dominate To dominate 0.73 09/19/2024 07:33:45
Create 5 vassals
Submission Submission 0.58 09/19/2024 07:27:18
Create a vassal
Democracy Democracy 0.61 09/19/2024 07:25:56
Adopt the ideology of democracy
Preparation Preparation 0.31 09/16/2024 17:36:52
Join alliance
Prince Prince 0.37 11/14/2023 08:38:55
Capture 300 provinces
Elder Elder 0.32 11/14/2023 07:26:01
Capture 150 provinces
Provincial Provincial 0.29 11/13/2023 19:09:55
Capture 75 provinces
Extension Extension 0.26 11/13/2023 18:12:11
Capture 30 provinces
Initial discoveries Initial discoveries 0.24 03/05/2019 14:22:58
Capture 10 provinces

Locked achievements

Game Achievement Points
King King 0.41
Capture 500 provinces
The Emperor The Emperor 0.45
Capture 750 provinces
Lord of the World Lord of the World 0.54
Capture 1500 provinces
Austrian Empire Austrian Empire 0.91
Form Austrian Empire
Italy Italy 0.88
Form Italy
Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire 0.95
Form Ottoman Empire
Australia-Hungary Australia-Hungary 1.04
Form Australia-Hungary
Japan Japan 0.83
Form Japan
Russian Empire Russian Empire 0.95
Form Russian Empire
Vassalizator Vassalizator 0.97
Create 50 vassals
Union Union 0.82
Create 5 unions
Impeccable power Impeccable power 0.95
Create 10 unions
Among your own Among your own 1.06
Create 25 unions
United together United together 1.12
Create 50 unions
Together we are stronger Together we are stronger 0.57
Join 5 alliances
Great Alliance Great Alliance 0.72
Join 10 alliances
Session Session 0.93
Join 25 alliances
Round Table Round Table 1.07
Join 50 alliances
Monarchy Monarchy 0.59
Adopt the Monarchy government
Communism Communism 0.62
Adopt the ideology of Communism
Fascism Fascism 0.49
Adopt Fascism ideology
Republic Republic 0.61
Adopt Republic ideology
Horde Horde 0.74
Adopt the Horde ideology
City State City State 0.72
Adopt the ideology of the City State

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 4 queries
953.39 KiB memory usage
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