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Unlocking history of [TW]jerrygo暉 for Arma 3 RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points
Tactical Withdrawal Tactical Withdrawal 0.90
Episode Survive completed. You have survived the AAF attack and escaped Stratis.
Guerilla Warfare Guerilla Warfare 1.27
Episode Adapt completed. You have gained the trust of the FIA movement and prepared the way for a NATO invasion.
Question of Loyalty Question of Loyalty 1.35
Episode Win completed. You have chosen your side in the final hour of the invasion.
Peacekeeper Peacekeeper 1.55
Epilogue A completed. NATO has accepted the AAF capitulation.
Every Man for Himself Every Man for Himself 1.41
Epilogue B completed. You chose to escape Altis on your own.
Competitive Shooter Competitive Shooter 0.94
Finished any official Firing Drill.
Aspiring Sharpshooter Aspiring Sharpshooter 1.79
Earned the bronze medal in all official Firing Drills.
Firing Drills Champion Firing Drills Champion 1.81
Earned the gold medal in all official Firing Drills.
Clean Drill Clean Drill 1.63
Finished any official Firing Drill without penalties (competitive rules).
Bonus Targets Bonus Targets 1.43
Hit every bonus target in any official Firing Drill with bonus targets.
Hero's Journey Hero's Journey 1.14
Placed any objective for players as Zeus.
Deity for a Day Deity for a Day 1.26
Played as Zeus for a total of 24 hours.
Godly Creations Godly Creations 1.05
Placed a total of 200 objects as Zeus across all scenarios.
Worshiper Worshiper 0.63
Pinged your Zeus.
Merciful God Merciful God 1.65
Reacted to 5 player pings as a Zeus by using the control shortcut.
This is War This is War 0.06
Started your first Arma 3 scenario - welcome!
Scapegoat Scapegoat 1.26
Killed by a player while remotely controlling a unit as Zeus.
First Deployment First Deployment 0.62
Completed the Bootcamp campaign. Get ready for your next deployment!
K.I.A. K.I.A. 0.96
Died in any Bootcamp campaign scenario. If you see the flash, it's already too late ...
Drill Instructor Drill Instructor 1.80
Guided your recruits through all Bootcamp Zeus training stages.
Ready for Duty Ready for Duty 1.81
Passed all Bootcamp Zeus training stages as a recruit.
Star Recruit Star Recruit 1.82
Completed the bootcamp combat training stage without hurting yourself or others.
Virtual Reality Virtual Reality 0.24
Booted up the VR simulation for the first time.
Virtual Command Virtual Command 1.29
Completed all official VR commanding courses.
Real Virtuality Real Virtuality 1.40
Completed all official VR training courses.
Lock and Load Lock and Load 0.48
Saved a custom load-out in VR Arsenal.
Contributor Contributor 1.50
Published a scenario to Steam Workshop.
Subscriber Subscriber 0.42
Subscribed to a scenario on Steam Workshop.
Perfectionist Perfectionist 1.64
Updated an existing Steam Workshop scenario to a newer version.
Relentless Creator Relentless Creator 1.44
Spent over 100 hours creating and testing in the scenario editor.
Showtime Showtime 1.00
Tried any 5 official showcases.
Meet and Greet Meet and Greet 1.50
Visited all official Faction Showcases to check out their weapons and vehicles on display.
Showcasing Showcasing 1.79
Completed all official Showcases.
Hacker Hacker 1.72
Downloaded Intel 5 times in official End Game multiplayer.
Virtual Vehicle Inspection Virtual Vehicle Inspection 0.75
Visited the Garage in VR Arsenal for the first time.
Mass Virtual Destruction Mass Virtual Destruction 1.60
Disabled all target vehicles in VR Arsenal at the same time.
Rock Stable Rock Stable 0.22
Deployed any weapon for the first time.
Model Student Model Student 1.63
Completed all Eden Editor tutorials.
Puppeteer Puppeteer 0.88
Played a scenario as a non-player character in the Eden Editor.
Dressing Doll Dressing Doll 1.03
Configured a character loadout using the Arsenal in the Eden Editor.
New Dimension New Dimension 1.49
Imported a 2D scenario into the Eden Editor.
Loyalist Loyalist 1.12
Played Arma 3 for 200 hours.
This is War 2.00 This is War 2.00 0.51
Played Arma 3 after its 2.00 platform update.
Fortress of Fun Fortress of Fun 2.17
Cleared the CoF: Gray Firing Drill in under 2:00.
Arma Invaders Arma Invaders 2.41
Won the main menu mini-game during a special event.
Mod Lover Mod Lover 1.78
Started Arma 3 with at least 10 mods loaded - thanks to all modders for their splendid work!
Arma'd Arma'd 2.45
Got Arma'd into the air while inside a ground vehicle.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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