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Bomber Crew

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Bomber Crew Season Pass

58.9 average hours needed for completion.

30 achievements worth of 36.66 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
Bomber Crew Bomber Crew Complete the first mission 10/22/2017 00:04:40 0.68
Photographer Photographer Take a photo of an intel site 10/22/2017 00:04:40 0.72
Sinking Feeling Sinking Feeling Sink 5 Submarines 10/22/2017 00:04:40 0.98
Winging it Winging it Repair an engine mid-flight 10/22/2017 00:04:40 0.87
Mission Success Mission Success Return to the airbase having successfully completed a mission 10/22/2017 00:04:40 0.81
Target Destroyed Target Destroyed Destroy an enemy target 10/22/2017 00:04:41 0.73
Seven Survive Success Seven Survive Success Complete a successful mission with the full crew surviving 10/22/2017 00:04:41 0.82
Bail Out! Bail Out! Bail out your entire crew 10/22/2017 00:04:41 1.75
Fifty Fighters Fifty Fighters Destroy 50 enemy fighters 10/22/2017 00:04:41 0.96
Twenty Targets Twenty Targets Destroy 20 enemy targets 10/22/2017 00:04:41 1.03
Fifty Fighters Five Times Fifty Fighters Five Times Destroy 250 enemy fighters 10/22/2017 00:04:41 1.23
Two hundred Targets Two hundred Targets Destroy 200 enemy targets 10/22/2017 00:04:41 1.80
One Engine One Engine Land at the airbase with only one working engine 10/22/2017 00:04:41 1.38
Seven Survive Seven Seven Survive Seven Complete 7 missions with the same full crew surviving 10/22/2017 00:04:41 1.09
Tour Of Duty Tour Of Duty Have one of your crew survive 30 missions 10/22/2017 00:04:41 1.42
Running On Fumes Running On Fumes Complete a mission and land at the airbase with less than 5% fuel remaining 10/22/2017 00:04:41 1.26
Skeleton Crew Skeleton Crew Complete a mission and land at the airbase with 2 or fewer crew members surviving 10/22/2017 00:04:42 1.85
V1 Destroyer V1 Destroyer Shoot down a V1 Rocket 10/22/2017 00:04:42 1.34
Focused Four Focused Four Use 'focus' on all 4 gunner stations at once (Main Campaign) 10/22/2017 00:04:42 1.54
Grand Slam Grand Slam Destroy a target using the Grand Slam bomb 10/22/2017 00:04:42 1.50
Qualified Qualified Fully level up a crew member 10/22/2017 00:04:42 1.43
Double Qualified Double Qualified Fully level up a crew member in two skills 10/22/2017 00:04:42 1.44
Rookie Rookie Fly 10 missions 10/22/2017 00:04:43 1.00
Experienced Experienced Fly 25 missions 10/22/2017 00:04:43 1.20
Veteran Veteran Fly 40 missions 10/22/2017 00:04:43 1.35
Ace Encounter Ace Encounter Encounter an Enemy Ace 10/22/2017 00:04:43 0.91
Ace in the Hole Ace in the Hole Defeat an Enemy Ace 10/22/2017 00:04:43 1.08
Four of a kind Four of a kind Defeat 4 Enemy Aces (in one campaign) 10/22/2017 00:04:43 1.35
Ace of Aces Ace of Aces Defeat all Enemy Aces (in one campaign) 10/22/2017 00:04:43 1.54
The Bunker The Bunker Complete the final mission 10/22/2017 00:04:43 1.61

DLCs were last updated on July 07, 2024 at 02:45 AM.

Next automatic update on July 22, 2024 at 02:39 PM.

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