]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Cities: Skylines - Airports

Cities: Skylines - Airports


5 achievements worth of 1.58 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
Airline Tycoon Airline Tycoon Have an airport area reach level 3. 12/14/2021 15:02:10 0.35
Airlifter Airlifter Have 10 000 total passengers travel through an airport area. 12/14/2021 15:02:10 0.30
Airport Architect Airport Architect Build an airport area with a terminal, a runway and an aircraft stand. 12/14/2021 15:02:10 0.20
Airfield Expertise Airfield Expertise Build an airport area with an area of 25000 cells. 12/14/2021 15:02:11 0.18
High-cost-carrier High-cost-carrier Set the airline ticket price slider to the maximum price. 12/14/2021 15:02:11 0.54

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 6 queries
456.45 KiB memory usage
20 crawler available

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