]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Unturned » Santa's Little Helper

Santa's Little Helper Santa's Little Helper Santa's Little Helper
Deliver all of Santa's undelivered gifts during the winter holiday festivities.
(2.11 points)

This achievement is reported as:

Rank Name Unlocked
1 NoFaced 12/10/2021 07:38:18
2 Rain 12/10/2021 11:07:57
3 ( ・_・) ⁧⁧♡ BaTsun 12/10/2021 12:37:25
4 danaby2 12/10/2021 17:40:08
5 Stepan.Sin 12/10/2021 19:26:38
6 󠀡󠀡 12/10/2021 19:52:49
7 DMJaxun 12/10/2021 20:47:15
8 olo_cha 12/10/2021 20:54:28
9 stfu 12/10/2021 21:02:58
10 biboid 12/10/2021 21:11:11
11 april 12/10/2021 21:22:13
12 Backstab 12/10/2021 21:31:05
13 ZParticle_ 12/10/2021 21:31:52
14 St1ggy⁧⁧⁧⁧14TradeԱφ✠ 12/10/2021 21:47:34
15 french fraise 12/10/2021 22:03:29
16 Keiaryy 12/10/2021 22:59:51
17 Renaxon 12/10/2021 23:02:40
18 footys.7q 12/10/2021 23:30:55
19 Mr.Furro 12/10/2021 23:35:11
20 Scheusal 12/10/2021 23:41:45
21 CMF 12/10/2021 23:50:47
22 rts 12/10/2021 23:56:59
23 CheesyMez 12/10/2021 23:58:11
24 NieznanyAjednak 12/11/2021 00:11:12
25 DDtective 12/11/2021 00:17:04
26 CrimsonIV 12/11/2021 00:29:02
27 kako1 12/11/2021 01:04:54
28 Silentlocke 12/11/2021 01:28:30
29 Capoenzo1 12/11/2021 02:07:48
30 까까 12/11/2021 02:11:13
31 Estaban 12/11/2021 02:24:04
32 Space 12/11/2021 02:40:10
33 CalboMan 12/11/2021 02:50:07
34 Corgo 12/11/2021 03:57:00
35 fml 12/11/2021 04:26:27
36 MC ПыхПыхыч 12/11/2021 04:40:09
37 DirtyFishy 12/11/2021 06:01:01
38 GD130A 12/11/2021 07:36:53
39 Plasma 12/11/2021 08:15:21
40 Kostage 12/11/2021 08:37:31
41 FITS 12/11/2021 08:42:01
42 gr8caruso 12/11/2021 09:09:06
43 WiFiAnyWhereYouGo 12/11/2021 09:12:53
44 Headshot 12/11/2021 10:06:18
45 grzecznamalgosia 12/11/2021 10:33:22
46 PIROKOKO✅ 12/11/2021 10:39:10
47 Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2022 12/11/2021 10:39:35
48 qw1nnnn. 12/11/2021 10:59:42
49 M E L İ S 12/11/2021 11:00:09
50 32-Bit Blu 12/11/2021 11:18:19

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