]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » POSTAL 2 » I'm not even supposed to be here today!

I'm not even supposed to be here today! I'm not even supposed to be here today! I'm not even supposed to be here today!
Waited 13 real world years to see an in-game Easter egg. Thanks for sticking with us!
(1.05 points)

Rank Name Unlocked
1 Sip
2 Kawabanga
3 Patryk uwu
4 RoboKun
5 sike
6 Zyzz
7 Real Cake
8 LogicParade
9 Fadamix
10 Zeron
11 Trephination
12 VarikRus
13 claudespeed
14 Loksi
15 Leo
16 Cram
17 Space Invader
18 Ghost
19 The Big Noob
20 JiaoZhu
21 sperma
23 Revenant100 06/29/2016 13:45:54
24 marciN 06/29/2016 14:54:16
25 SC4LDER 06/30/2016 01:48:07
26 Doomcaster 06/30/2016 02:05:50
27 BoomerNoob 06/30/2016 02:43:29
28 神は死んだ 06/30/2016 02:52:17
29 blackwoio 06/30/2016 02:56:48
30 Bumperguard 06/30/2016 02:57:13
31 Ra 06/30/2016 03:09:47
32 SCP-173 06/30/2016 04:13:12
33 Vagrant 06/30/2016 04:47:59
34 (J7) Dsp21 06/30/2016 05:17:52
35 Checker307 06/30/2016 05:33:16
36 TreeTrunk 06/30/2016 05:39:36
37 Narek 06/30/2016 07:36:22
38 Ivanhom 06/30/2016 07:45:18
39 gt4 06/30/2016 08:05:41
40 Revan 06/30/2016 08:11:57
41 Rezalon 06/30/2016 09:12:25
42 Falken 06/30/2016 09:15:58
43 Бука 06/30/2016 09:22:56
44 -3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 06/30/2016 09:30:44
45 Chris H 06/30/2016 09:47:03
46 Reaper 06/30/2016 09:48:15
47 Patrick Starboy 06/30/2016 09:59:36
48 hannez 06/30/2016 10:37:28
49 TexXx 06/30/2016 10:38:10
50 Ramirez 06/30/2016 11:04:05

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