]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Russian Fishing 4 » Stability is a sign of skill

Stability is a sign of skill Stability is a sign of skill Stability is a sign of skill
Catch fish five times in a row not letting it break off.
(0.66 points)

Rank Name Unlocked
1 P$IhoLoG 06/15/2018 16:10:01
2 还是dami 06/15/2018 16:37:15
3 кαqq|ℬσση √™ 06/15/2018 16:41:08
4 Mr.Graham 06/15/2018 17:45:55
5 FaridFlashBang 06/15/2018 17:53:50
6 Skudworth 06/15/2018 18:05:22
7 BocaN 06/15/2018 18:36:03
8 Knin3 06/15/2018 18:58:15
9 2005 barbie doll 06/15/2018 19:31:24
10 Flankus 06/15/2018 20:23:06
11 Kenzo 06/15/2018 20:54:18
12 perfekto csgoatse.com 06/15/2018 22:03:41
13 Beerland_53 06/15/2018 23:50:00
14 123 06/16/2018 00:27:52
15 Ziggity 06/16/2018 00:36:48
16 Ironbostik [IT] 06/16/2018 00:43:48
17 Heron 06/16/2018 04:25:15
18 SnooShez 06/16/2018 08:57:48
19 mich_anie 06/16/2018 09:16:16
20 Snack-tacular 06/16/2018 10:37:11
21 Voodoo 06/16/2018 10:58:13
22 YouRock 06/16/2018 11:14:02
23 sYncedOFF 06/16/2018 11:53:03
24 Bielzao 06/16/2018 13:21:43
25 Siralop 06/16/2018 13:35:30
26 吃屎去 06/16/2018 14:20:31
27 ✖Destroit™✖ 06/16/2018 15:06:15
28 Крёстный Гомер 06/16/2018 15:40:49
29 HoodPlayer 06/16/2018 15:57:21
30 ser8ej 06/16/2018 16:22:04
31 ilovemilka 06/16/2018 17:10:36
32 Paxan4ik 06/16/2018 17:39:39
33 Koda 06/16/2018 17:47:51
34 Gall 06/16/2018 19:29:52
35 Moretto 06/16/2018 19:50:28
36 nemoderu 06/16/2018 20:40:25
37 Rasmus 06/16/2018 20:47:47
38 I am Sliver 06/16/2018 21:19:35
39 BostaN 06/16/2018 21:52:42
40 SHADOW 06/16/2018 21:58:17
41 Mholin 06/16/2018 23:59:24
42 noname 06/17/2018 01:00:15
43 x 06/17/2018 01:18:18
44 einwachmann 06/17/2018 01:33:50
45 Jubstep 06/17/2018 03:15:57
46 Puppy 06/17/2018 06:28:45
47 蟹黄味蚕豆(Bean) 06/17/2018 07:46:56
48 QuantumShade 06/17/2018 09:41:39
49 pinwolf 06/17/2018 10:10:59
50 Kurokaze Hitori 06/17/2018 12:02:48

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